kif - Objective c - Run block of code for X seconds but return immediately if condition satisfies -

so situation need run code 5 seconds if match condition want return back. doing in kif test steps , don't want block applications main thread.

sample pseudo code -

+ (bool) isverified:(nsstring*)label; {      if(<condition match>)         return yes;     else if(x seconds not passed)        <make sure m running function x seconds>     else // x seconds passed now..        return no; } 

if don't want block main thread in case no should returned after 5 sec delay, structure api asynchronously.

typedef void(^ccfverificationcallbackblock)(bool verified);  @interface ccfverifier : nsobject  - (void)verifylabel:(nsstring *)label withcallbackblock:(ccfverificationcallbackblock)block;  @end  static const int64_t returndelay = 5.0 * nsec_per_sec;  @implementation ccfverifier  - (void)verifylabel:(nsstring *)label withcallbackblock:(ccfverificationcallbackblock)block {     nsparameterassert(block);     if( [label isequaltostring:@"moo"] )         block(yes);     else {         dispatch_time_t poptime = dispatch_time(dispatch_time_now, returndelay);         dispatch_after(poptime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void){             block(no);         });     } } @end 

to use:

_verifier = [[ccfverifier alloc] init];     [_verifier verifylabel:@"foo" withcallbackblock:^(bool verified) {      nslog(@"verification result: %d",verified); }]; 


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