Exception Devart.Data.Linq on a server "Devart.Data.Oracle.Linq.Provider" -
i trying deploy application on windows server 2007 32 bit application give me exception
error on opening dbconnection. bei devart.data.linq.linqcommandexecutionexception.canthrowlinqcommandexecutionexception
(string message, exception e) bei devart.data.linq.provider.k.a.g() bei devart.data.linq.provider.k.a.b(iconnectionuser a_0) bei devart.data.linq.provider.k.b(iconnectionuser a_0) bei devart.data.linq.provider.dataprovider.executequery(compiledquery compiledquery, object[] parentargs, object[] userargs, object lastresult) bei devart.data.linq.provider.dataprovider.executeallqueries(compiledquery compiledquery, object[] userarguments) bei devart.data.linq.provider.dataprovider.compiledquery.devart.data.linq.provider.icompiledquery.execute(iprovider provider, object[] userargs) bei devart.data.linq.dataquery1.i() bei system.collections.generic.list
1..ctor(ienumerable1 collection) bei system.linq.enumerable.tolist[tsource](ienumerable
1 source)
while excuting line in program var list = clientcustomers.tolist();
thank much
public repository(string connection, string eventpackagename, string eventscopename) { this.connectiondict = this.getconnectioninfo(connection); //this.context = new datacontext(connection);//old way this.context = new datacontext(connection, new devart.data.oracle.linq.provider.oracledataprovider()); this.eventcontext = new eventpacdatacontext(connection); this.econtext = new context.eventpacdatacontext(connection, new devart.data.oracle.linq.provider.oracledataprovider()); this.eventpackagename = eventpackagename; this.eventscopename = eventscopename; this.clientusername = this.connectiondict["user id"]; } /// <summary> /// collect customers view /// </summary> /// <returns>iqueryable<customer></returns> public iqueryable<customer> getcustomers() { try { var result = p in this.context.ydevqualibasics join extended in this.context.ydevqualibasicextendeds on p.accountid equals extended.accountid select new customer { base = new customer { customerid = p.customerid.tostring(), customerno = p.customerno.tostring(), geburtsdatum = p.detgeburtsdatum.getvalueordefault(new datetime(1900, 1, 1)), email = p.detemail, businessarea = p.accbusinessarea, contracttype = p.acccontracttype, contracttariff = p.acccontractariff, subscribechannel = p.detanmeldekanal, paymentmethod = p.cuscollectionident, customeraddress = new address { city = p.cuscity, street = p.cusstreet, extendedinfo = p.cusehnr, streetnumber = p.cushnr, lcountry = p.cuscountryl, scountry = p.cuscountrys, zipcode = p.cuszipcode }, accountperson = new person { salutation = p.accanrede, title = p.accakadem, branche = p.accbranche, lastname = p.acctomername1, firstname = p.acctomername2, name3 = p.acctomername3 } }, customerperson = new person { salutation = p.cusanrede, title = p.cusakadem, branche = p.cusbranche, lastname = p.customername1, firstname = p.customername2, name3 = p.customername3 }, interngeolocchecked = extended.detinterngeolocchecked, interngeolocstatus = extended.detinterngeolocstatus, }; return result; } catch (reflectiontypeloadexception ex) { stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); foreach (exception exsub in ex.loaderexceptions) { sb.appendline(exsub.message); if (exsub filenotfoundexception) { filenotfoundexception exfilenotfound = exsub filenotfoundexception; if (!string.isnullorempty(exfilenotfound.fusionlog)) { sb.appendline("fusion log:"); sb.appendline(exfilenotfound.fusionlog); } } sb.appendline(); } string errormessage = sb.tostring(); //display or log error based on application. logger.fatal("aha: " + errormessage); return null; } catch (exception ex) { logger.fatal("customer failed: " + ex.message + ex.stacktrace); throw new dataaccessexception("customer failed", ex); } }
when deploying applications written of linqconnect should register run-time assemblies devart.data.oracle.dll, devart.data.dll, devart.data.oracle.linq.dll , devart.data.linq.dll @ global assembly cache (gac) or place them in folder of application. when deploying asp.net applications necessary have devart.data.oracle.web.dll , app_licenses.dll assemblies available.
if required assemblies available project, please perform following steps:
- make sure oracle client software installed on computer;
- specify name of oracle home explicitly in home connection string parameter.
- place content of oracle_home variable on first position in path variable of operating system;
- make sure capacity (x86 or x64) of application , capacity of oracle client same.
if after these steps issue still persists, please contact us more details issue, e.g.:
- the full stack trace of exception;
- the connection string;
- the version of oracle client;
- the version of oracle server;
- the definitions of database tables , corresponding entity classes, etc.
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