exception - acess to userName from jsp using spring security -

i want output username if log in. @controller have access:

@requestmapping("/success")     public string success(model model) {         authentication auth = securitycontextholder.getcontext().getauthentication();         string name = auth.getname(); //get logged in username         model.addattribute("name", name);         return "success";     } 

it work if use name on jsp, see typed name.

but if in jsp write

 <%@ taglib prefix="sec" uri="http://www.springframework.org/security/tags" %>     <sec:authentication property="principal.username"/> 

i stacktrace:

 info : com.epam.hhsystem.util.customauthentificationprovider - user name 'nikolay_tkachev' log in 07.08.2013 17:00:57 org.apache.jasper.compiler.tldlocationscache tldscanjar info: @ least 1 jar scanned tlds yet contained no tlds. enable debug logging logger complete list of jars scanned no tlds found in them. skipping unneeded jars during scanning can improve startup time , jsp compilation time. 07.08.2013 17:00:57 org.apache.catalina.core.applicationdispatcher invoke severe: servlet.service() servlet jsp threw exception org.springframework.beans.notreadablepropertyexception: invalid property 'principal.username' of bean class [org.springframework.security.authentication.usernamepasswordauthenticationtoken]: bean property 'principal.username' not readable or has invalid getter method: return type of getter match parameter type of setter?     @ org.springframework.beans.beanwrapperimpl.getpropertyvalue(beanwrapperimpl.java:707)     @ org.springframework.beans.beanwrapperimpl.getpropertyvalue(beanwrapperimpl.java:699) 


as have authentiucation using using username , password, principal self name of user. try using

<sec:authentication property="principal"/> 


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