c - pointer to an array of pointer to functions -

i f point array of f_pointer_type. did miss here ? i'm getting error 'lvalue required left operand of assignment'. mean ?

#include <stdio.h> typedef char* (*f_pointer_type)(); char * rethello() {     return "hello"; } int main() {     char (* ( *f())[])(); //declare f pointer array of pointers function gets nothing , return char.     f_pointer_type funcs[3]; //an array of pointers function gets nothing , returns pointer char     f = &funcs; //error : lvalue required left operand of assignment     return 0; } 

if read clockwise/spiral rule see f function returning pointer array of pointers functions returning char*. in other words it's function prototype , not variable declaration.

try instead:

f_pointer_type (*f)[]; 


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