android - Aapt on 32bit machine is throwing: Illegal instruction (core dumped) -

extending previous question aapt not working correctly - cannot generate r ids on fresh project

i installed fresh ubuntu server 12.04 on 32bit machine, after downloaded android sdk , upadted. created new project command line:

gyver@gyver:~/tmp$ android create project      -t android-17 -p test -k com.example.test -a homeactivity 

no problems @ point. tried use ant compile:

gyver@gyver:~/tmp/test$ ant clean debug install buildfile: /home/gyver/tmp/test/build.xml  -check-env:  [checkenv] android sdk tools revision 22.0.5  [checkenv] installed @ /opt/android-sdk  -setup:      [echo] project name: homeactivity   [gettype] project type: application  -pre-clean:  clean:    [delete] deleting directory /home/gyver/tmp/test/bin [getlibpath] library dependencies: [getlibpath] no libraries    [subant] no sub-builds iterate on  -set-mode-check:  -set-debug-files:  -check-env:  [checkenv] android sdk tools revision 22.0.5  [checkenv] installed @ /opt/android-sdk  -setup:      [echo] project name: homeactivity   [gettype] project type: application  -set-debug-mode:  -debug-obfuscation-check:  -pre-build:  -build-setup: [getbuildtools] using latest build tools: 18.0.1      [echo] resolving build target homeactivity... [gettarget] project target:   android 4.2.2 [gettarget] api level:        17 [gettarget] warning: no minsdkversion value set. application install on android versions.      [echo] ----------      [echo] creating output directories if needed...     [mkdir] created dir: /home/gyver/tmp/test/bin     [mkdir] created dir: /home/gyver/tmp/test/bin/res     [mkdir] created dir: /home/gyver/tmp/test/gen     [mkdir] created dir: /home/gyver/tmp/test/bin/classes     [mkdir] created dir: /home/gyver/tmp/test/bin/dexedlibs      [echo] ----------      [echo] resolving dependencies homeactivity... [dependency] ordered libraries:      [echo] ----------      [echo] building libraries 'debug'...    [subant] no sub-builds iterate on  -code-gen: [mergemanifest] merging androidmanifest files one. [mergemanifest] manifest merger disabled. using project manifest only.      [echo] handling aidl files...      [aidl] no aidl files compile.      [echo] ----------      [echo] handling renderscript files... [renderscript] no renderscript files compile.      [echo] ----------      [echo] handling resources...      [aapt] generating resource ids...  build failed /opt/android-sdk/tools/ant/build.xml:649: following error occurred while executing line: /opt/android-sdk/tools/ant/build.xml:690: null returned: 132  total time: 3 seconds gyver@gyver:~/tmp/test$ 

an error, @ point not clear what's wrong. looked build.xml find out ant calling aapt, tried start directly

/opt/android-sdk/build-tools/18.0.1/aapt package -f -m  -m /home/gyver/tmp/test/bin/androidmanifest.xml  -s /home/gyver/tmp/test/bin/res  -s /home/gyver/tmp/test/res  -i /opt/android-sdk/platforms/android-17/android.jar  -j /home/gyver/tmp/test/gen --generate-dependencies  -g /home/gyver/tmp/test/bin/proguard.txt 

with result

illegal instruction (core dumped) 

it there way fix ? aapt seems fine on 64bit machines, 32bit server case cannot build project

i have same problems rev. 18.0.1 aapt. think bug , opened bug report under

the rev. 17 aapt works me, might temporary solution use rev. 17 build-tools.


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