Extra characters in bash array -

my temp file.

{"label": "allowed","value": "20863962"} , {"label": "denied","value": "5"} , 

read array.

#read array ifs=$'\r\n' items=($(cat < ./tmp)) # print items echo "${items[@]}" 

the output shows this:

{"label": "allowed","value": "20863962"} , {"label": "denied","value": "5"} , 

and final curl command failing.

when run script -x, showing characters in output suspect may causing final curl command fail.

+ echo '{"label": "allowed","value": "20863962"} ,' '{"label": "denied","value": "5"} ,' 

note ' ' in echo output.

my final curl command should this:

curl -d '{ "auth_token":"pass", "items": [{"label": "allowed","value": "20863962"} , {"label": "denied","value": "5"}] }' http://lab:3030/widgets/test 

to strip "," can like:

json='{"label": "allowed","value": "20863962"} , {"label": "denied","value": "5"} ,' echo ${json%?} # {"label": "allowed","value": "20863962"} , {"label": "denied","value": "5"} 


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