c# - Convert two UInt16 Values to one UInt32 Value consider least and most significant word -

i have 2 uint16 values

private uint16 leastsignificantword; private uint16 mostsignificantword; 

the 2 words (uint16 values) come component divides uint32 status / error value 2 words , returns 2 words. need uint32 value. sum 2 words wouldn't trick because of disregard if , least significant.

for example:

 private uint16 leastsignificantword = 1;  private uint16 mostsignificantword = 1;  //result contains value 2 after sum both words //which can not correct because have take note of , least significant uint32 result = leastsignificantword  + mostsignificantword; 

is there way solve this? honest have never worked bits / bytes in c# had never faced such problem. in advance

private uint16 leastsignificantword = 1; private uint16 mostsignificantword = 1;  uint32 result = (leastsignificantword << 16) + mostsignificantword; 

you have 2 uint16 (16 bit , 16 bit) 1 0010 1011 1010 1110 , second 1001 0111 0100 0110

if read 2 uin16 1 uint32 have 0010 1011 1010 1110 1001 0111 0100 0110

so, (leastsignificantword << 16) gives 0010 1011 1010 1110 0000 0000 0000 0000 , plus mostsignificantword gives 0010 1011 1010 1110 1001 0111 0100 0110

these can helpful


what bitwise shift (bit-shift) operators , how work?


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