android - Format String into KB, MB and GB -

below class returns me data counter value in string. wanted format string kb, mb, , gb

public class mainactivity extends activity {   @override     public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);          textview infoview = (textview)findviewbyid(;         string info = "";          long getmobilerxbytes = trafficstats.getmobilerxbytes();         long getmobilerxpackets = trafficstats.getmobilerxpackets();         long getmobiletxbytes = trafficstats.getmobiletxbytes();         long getmobiletxpackets = trafficstats.getmobiletxpackets();          long totalrxbytes = trafficstats.gettotalrxbytes();         long totalrxpackets = trafficstats.gettotalrxpackets();          long totaltxbytes = trafficstats.gettotaltxbytes();          long totaltxpackets = trafficstats.gettotaltxpackets();          info += "mobile interface:\n";         info += ("\treceived: " + getmobilerxbytes + " bytes / " + getmobilerxpackets + " packets\n");         info += ("\ttransmitted: " + getmobiletxbytes + " bytes / " + getmobiletxpackets + " packets\n");          info += "all network interface:\n";         info += ("\treceived: " + totalrxbytes + " bytes / " + totalrxpackets + " packets\n");         info += ("\ttransmitted: " + totaltxbytes + " bytes / " + totaltxpackets + " packets\n");          infoview.settext(info); 


here beautiful method :

public static string humanreadablebytecount(long bytes, boolean si) {         int unit = si ? 1000 : 1024;         if (bytes < unit) return bytes + " b";         int exp = (int) (math.log(bytes) / math.log(unit));         string pre = (si ? "kmgtpe" : "kmgtpe").charat(exp-1) + (si ? "" : "i");         return string.format("%.1f %sb", bytes / math.pow(unit, exp), pre);     } 

but not sure how can use above method in oncreate code

thanks in advance

call method passing bytes . add string returned after doing calculations textview.

public static string getfilesize(long size) {         if (size <= 0)             return "0";         final string[] units = new string[] { "b", "kb", "mb", "gb", "tb" };         int digitgroups = (int) (math.log10(size) / math.log10(1024));         return new decimalformat("#,##0.#").format(size / math.pow(1024, digitgroups)) + " " + units[digitgroups];     } 


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