android - How do I get MultiAutoCompleteTextView tokenizer similar to Facebook app? -

i creating application has 'to' field in facebook app's "new message" feature.

after selecting item drop down list, create imagespan , add multiautocompletetextview. have used spacetokenizer view . problem when click on backspace, cursor first moves empty space (i.e., space tokenizer) , when click on backspace again, whole word gets deleted....i want delete whole word on first click of backspace facebook app...

here code spacetokenizer

     multicontenttext.settokenizer(new tokenizer(){      public int findtokenstart(charsequence text, int      cursor) {         int = cursor;         if(i>0){             log.d("textchar ",""+text.charat(i - 1));         }          while (i > 0 && text.charat(i - 1) != ' ') {             i--;         }         while (i < cursor && text.charat(i) == ' ' || text.charat(i - 1) == '\n') {             i++;         }          return i;     }      public int findtokenend(charsequence text, int cursor) {         int = cursor;         int len = text.length();          while (i < len) {             if (text.charat(i) == ' ' || text.charat(i - 1) == '\n') {                 return i;             } else {                 i++;             }         }          return len;     }      public charsequence terminatetoken(charsequence text) {         int = text.length();         while (i > 0 && text.charat(i - 1) == ' ' || text.charat(i - 1) == '\n') {             i--;         }          if (i > 0 && text.charat(i - 1) == ' ' || text.charat(i - 1) == '\n') {             return text;         } else {             if (text instanceof spanned) {                                                spannablestring sp = new spannablestring(text + " ");                 textutils.copyspansfrom((spanned) text, 0, text.length(),                                         object.class, sp, 0);                 return sp;             } else {                                                  return text+" ";             }         }     } }); 

i using code create textview in multi-contenttext

spannablestringbuilder ssb = new spannablestringbuilder(multicontenttext.gettext()); string c="text list"; textview textview = (textview) inflater.inflate(r.layout.chips_edittext, null); textview.settext(c); // set text int spec = measurespec.makemeasurespec(0, measurespec.unspecified); textview.measure(spec, spec); textview.layout(0, 0, textview.getmeasuredwidth(), textview.getmeasuredheight()); bitmap b = bitmap.createbitmap(textview.getwidth(), textview.getheight(),bitmap.config.argb_8888); canvas canvas = new canvas(b); canvas.translate(-textview.getscrollx(), -textview.getscrolly()); textview.draw(canvas); textview.setdrawingcacheenabled(true); bitmap cachebmp = textview.getdrawingcache(); bitmap viewbmp = cachebmp.copy(bitmap.config.argb_8888, true);  textview.destroydrawingcache();  // destory drawable // create bitmap drawable imagespan bitmapdrawable bmpdrawable = new bitmapdrawable(viewbmp);                bmpdrawable.setbounds(0, 0,bmpdrawable.getintrinsicwidth(),bmpdrawable.getintrinsicheight()); // create , set imagespan  ssb.setspan(new imagespan(bmpdrawable),0 ,c.length() , spannable.span_exclusive_exclusive); // set chips span  multicontenttext.settext(ssb);       multicontenttext.setselection(multicontenttext.gettext().length()); 

i not sure whether space tokenizer right option type of behavior...any or pointers grateful...

here screenshot better understanding....

enter image description here

i have text followed space , cursor...if hit backspace, first moves empty space , when hit backspace again whole text deleted....

here screenshot ..

enter image description here

here cursor not in between 2 textviews unlike in facebook app again causes issues in inserting text...

found solution....

add textwatcher multiautocompletetextview

private textwatcher textwather = new textwatcher() {     int noofcharadded=0;int noofchardeleted=0;     @override     public void ontextchanged(charsequence s, int start, int before, int count) {         startidx=start;     }     @override     public void beforetextchanged(charsequence s, int start, int count,int after) {         noofcharadded=after;         noofchardeleted=count;     }     @override     public void aftertextchanged(editable s) {         editable buffer = s;         int start = multicontenttext.getselectionstart()<0?0:multicontenttext.getselectionstart();         int end = multicontenttext.getselectionend()<0?0:multicontenttext.getselectionend();                 if(noofcharadded==0 && noofchardeleted==1){ //if space deleted                         if (start == end && delprevtext) {                                                       imagespan link[] = buffer.getspans(start, end,imagespan.class);                             if (link.length > 0) {                                                                   buffer.replace(buffer.getspanstart(link[0]),buffer.getspanend(link[0]),"");                                 buffer.removespan(link[0]);                             }                         }                         delprevtext=true;                          multicontenttext.setselection(multicontenttext.gettext().length());                 }                 else if(noofcharadded==0 && noofchardeleted>1){//if whole word deleted                         if(buffer.length()>0){                                                                        if(start<buffer.length()){                                delprevtext=false;                                                                  if(buffer.charat(start)==' '){                                                                          buffer.replace(start,start+1,"");                                }                             }                         }                                       }                     } }; 


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