xsd - UML aggregation/association to XML Schema -

long story short: want genererate xsd uml need way represent uml aggregation/association in xsd. found mapping recommend (for aggregation/association) : "reference element idref attribute , referencing associated class , keyref type saftey (key/keyref reference)". dont know how because i'm new in xsd ( < 1 week).

so thought should im not sure^^ has advices or can correct if code has errors?

uml: http://i39.tinypic.com/15x8ufp.png

<xsd:schema elementformdefault="qualified" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema" xmlns:ns="namespace" targetnamespace="namespaceuri">     <xsd:import namespace="namespace" />     <xsd:element name="root">         <xsd:complextype>             <xsd:sequence>          <xsd:element name="classa">                <xsd:complextype>         <xsd:all>          <xsd:element name="attributeelement" />         </xsd:all>         <xsd:attribute name="aid" type="xsd:id" use="required" />       </xsd:complextype>           <xsd:key name="classakey">         <xsd:selector xpath="ns:root/ns:classa" />         <xsd:field xpath="@aid" />       </xsd:key>                             </xsd:element>      <xsd:element name="classb">                <xsd:complextype>         <xsd:all>          <xsd:element name="refclassa" minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="unbounded"/>         </xsd:all>         <xsd:attribute name="bid" type="xsd:id" use="required" />       </xsd:complextype>           <xsd:key name="classbkey">         <xsd:selector xpath="ns:root/ns:classb" />         <xsd:field xpath="@bid" />       </xsd:key>       <xsd:keyref name="classaref" refer="ns:classakey">           <xsd:selector xpath="ns:classb" />           <xsd:field xpath="./refclassa" />       </xsd:keyref>                          </xsd:element>              </xsd:sequence>         </xsd:complextype>         </xsd:element> </xsd:schema> 

perhaps uml w3c xml schema design answer questions. old, basics of shows still apply today , pretty presented.


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