java - How to save any object which is declared as a class variable and initialized inside a test in JUnit -
i designing test cases in junit
. question how save object declared class variable , initialized inside test. in such cases getting java.lang.nullpointerexception
below brief description- have 3 services listed below needs tested-
- service 1(login): accept username password pair , returns cookies in response.
- service 2(postmessage): accept message, must supplied cookies in request , returns unique id of posted message
- service 3(markasread): accept message id, must supplied cookies. message id, should used in service 3 returned service 2.
this expecting work-
import static org.junit.assert.*; import org.junit.test; public class profiletest{ private string cookie; private string messageid; @test public void logintest(){ string username = "demouser"; string password = "demopassword"; httpresponse response = login(username, password); cookie = response.getcookie(); assertequals(response.getresponse(), "success"); } @test public void postmessagetest(){ string message = "hi, test message"; httpresponse response = postmessage(message, cookie); messageid = response.getcookie(); assertequals(response.getresponse(), "success"); } @test public void markasreadtest(){ httpresponse response = markasread(messageid, cookie); assertequals(response.getresponse(), "success"); } }
the answer cannot , should not it. each run of test cases have own copy of class variables. idea behind each test case should run independently , should not depend on each other.
it may possible through junk code don't have such recommendation you.
if possible try club tescases , run single one.
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