html - Openweathermaps parse json jquery forecast -

i'd display weather forecast. far managed display 1 day.

html & jquery code:

the json displayed in format.

{    "cod":"200",    "message":0.0152,    "city":{       "id":524901,       "name":"moscow",       "coord":{          "lon":37.615555,          "lat":55.75222       },       "country":"ru",       "population":1000000    },    "cnt":4,    "list":[       {          "dt":1375866000,          "temp":{             "day":26.19,             "min":21.82,             "max":26.19,             "night":21.82,             "eve":25.22,             "morn":26.19          },          "pressure":1010.53,          "humidity":77,          "weather":[             {                "id":801,                "main":"clouds",                "description":"few clouds",                "icon":"02d"             }          ],          "speed":1.6,          "deg":4,          "clouds":24       },       {          "dt":1375952400,          "temp":{             "day":24.92,             "min":17.73,             "max":25.32,             "night":17.73,             "eve":24.71,             "morn":17.75          },          "pressure":1013.91,          "humidity":71,          "weather":[             {                "id":800,                "main":"clear",                "description":"sky clear",                "icon":"01d"             }          ],          "speed":1.61,          "deg":20,          "clouds":0       },       {          "dt":1376038800,          "temp":{             "day":25.87,             "min":16.74,             "max":26.65,             "night":22.17,             "eve":26.42,             "morn":16.74          },          "pressure":1011.31,          "humidity":71,          "weather":[             {                "id":800,                "main":"clear",                "description":"sky clear",                "icon":"01d"             }          ],          "speed":1.66,          "deg":252,          "clouds":0       },       {          "dt":1376125200,          "temp":{             "day":22.72,             "min":19.68,             "max":25.42,             "night":19.68,             "eve":24.82,             "morn":21.02          },          "pressure":1007.87,          "humidity":73,          "weather":[             {                "id":502,                "main":"rain",                "description":"heavy intensity rain",                "icon":"10d"             }          ],          "speed":2.11,          "deg":278,          "clouds":80,          "rain":15       }    ] } 

i can parse first line. how can parse other lines?

when see brackets, it's array, have find variable array key. weather.list[0] return 26.19. weather.list[0].weather[0].main return "clouds" , weather.list[1].weather[0].main return "clear".


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