java - How to restart a JFrame when creating a multiple level game? -
i have 1 level computer game created , , want add level .
here main :
public class main extends jdialog { private static final long serialversionuid = 1l; protected static timerthread timerthread; static jstatusbar statusbar = new jstatusbar(); private static jframe frame; private static final int frame_location_x = 300; private static final int frame_location_y = 50; private static final int frame_size_x = 850; // animator's target frames per second private static final int frame_size_y = 700; // animator's target frames per second private static final string worldname = "fps 2013 cg project"; private static final string hard_target = "src/res/target.jpg"; private static final string runningout = "time running out - have : "; static int interval; static timer timer1; static jlabel changinglabel1 = null; /** * new */ private static timer timer; private static int count = 60; private static actionlistener timeraction = new actionlistener() { public void actionperformed(actionevent ae) { count--; if (count == 0) timer.stop(); changinglabel1.settext(runningout + count + " seconds"); } }; public static void exitprocedure() { timerthread.setrunning(false); system.exit(0); } /** * clock timer1 * @author x2 * */ public static class timerthread extends thread { protected boolean isrunning; protected jlabel datelabel; protected jlabel timelabel; protected simpledateformat dateformat = new simpledateformat("eee, d mmm yyyy"); protected simpledateformat timeformat = new simpledateformat("h:mm a"); public timerthread(jlabel datelabel, jlabel timelabel) { this.datelabel = datelabel; this.timelabel = timelabel; this.isrunning = true; } @override public void run() { while (isrunning) { swingutilities.invokelater(new runnable() { @override public void run() { calendar currentcalendar = calendar.getinstance(); date currenttime = currentcalendar.gettime(); datelabel.settext(dateformat.format(currenttime)); timelabel.settext(timeformat.format(currenttime)); } }); try { thread.sleep(5000l); } catch (interruptedexception e) { } } } public void setrunning(boolean isrunning) { this.isrunning = isrunning; } } public static void main(string[] args) { swingutilities.invokelater(new runnable() { @override public void run() { frame = new jframe(worldname); container contentpane = frame.getcontentpane(); contentpane.setlayout(new borderlayout()); /** * timer of count-down */ timer = new timer(1000, timeraction); timer.start(); changinglabel1 = new jlabel(runningout); statusbar.setleftcomponent(changinglabel1); final jlabel datelabel = new jlabel(); datelabel.sethorizontalalignment(; statusbar.addrightcomponent(datelabel); final jlabel timelabel = new jlabel(); timelabel.sethorizontalalignment(; statusbar.addrightcomponent(timelabel); contentpane.add(statusbar, borderlayout.south); frame.setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.do_nothing_on_close); frame.addwindowlistener(new windowadapter() { @override public void windowclosing(windowevent event) { exitprocedure(); } }); timerthread = new timerthread(datelabel, timelabel); timerthread.start(); renderer mycanvas = new renderer(); final animator animator = new animator(mycanvas); toolkit t = toolkit.getdefaulttoolkit(); bufferedimage originalimage = null; try { originalimage = file(hard_target)); } catch (exception e1) {e1.printstacktrace();} cursor newcursor = t.createcustomcursor(originalimage, new point(0, 0), "none"); frame.setcursor(newcursor); frame.setlocation(frame_location_x, frame_location_y); frame.add(mycanvas); frame.setsize(frame_size_x, frame_size_y); frame.addwindowlistener(new windowadapter() { @override public void windowclosing(windowevent e) { new thread() { @override public void run() { animator.stop(); system.exit(0); } }.start(); } }); frame.setvisible(true); animator.start(); mycanvas.requestfocus(); mycanvas.setfocusable(true); } }); } }
this main function uses class renderer , i.e.
class renderer extends glcanvas implements gleventlistener, keylistener ,mouselistener ,mousemotionlistener {...}
and class holds first level of game .
as can see i'm using jframe
, jogl 1.0
my question : how can reset jframe after i'm done 1st level ? can't use system.exit(0);
, since quit entire program .
what want move class holds 2nd level .
how can without exiting system.exit(0);
by using remove()
, can stop panel. create new 1 jframe
, add()
it. consider making jframe
creation own function don't have keep rewriting if this.
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