Trying to write an alternative Hello World using Scala and Akka -
i have little previous experience deprecated scala actor, started learn akka actor, seem quite different.
i completed tutorial
next, trying write alternative hello world, using paradigm similar deprecated scala actor. have difficulties (see in-line comments):
class echo extends actor { override def receive = { case a: => println(a) case "end" => context.stop(self) } } object main { def main(args: array[string]): unit = { val echo = new echo() // explicit actor.start() ? // "! not member", akka's official hello world used ! send message echo ! "hello" echo ! "end" } }
there couple of things wrong code.
1) cannot create actor instantiating class. need obtain actorref using actorof. need start actorsystem manage creation of actors.
def main(args: array[string]): unit = { val system = actorsystem("mysystem") val echo = system.actorof(props[echo], "myactor2") echo ! "hello" echo ! "end" }
2) receive method wrong too. pattern of type any
match including "end"
. try this:
override def receive = { case "end" => context.stop(self) case a:string => println(a) }
here message printed if not "end"
in case not match first case , falls of second one.
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