CSV Data Import To MYSQL DB Using RUBY -

i trying insert data via csv database. controller code

      require 'csv'       def index        end        def add         @filename=csv::reader.parse(params[:dump][:file])         n=0         csv::foreach(@filename, :headers => true) |row|         student.new(row.to_hash.symbolize_keys).save         n=n+1         end         flash.now[:message]="csv import successful,  #{n} new records added data base"       end  

now when inserting csv file getting error

**can't convert csv::ioreader string** 

my ruby version 1.8.7

any appreciated.

if using ruby, use following code:

require 'csv'  def index  end  def add   n=0   csv::foreach(params[:dump][:file]) |row|     student.new(row.to_hash.symbolize_keys).save     n=n+1   end   flash.now[:message]="csv import successful,  #{n} new records added data base" end 

you can more information csv:foreach on http://apidock.com/ruby/csv

i failed above reply because assumed [:dump][:file] path file (string object), seeing error, should read file first (it tempfile object), , parse content string:

require 'csv'   def index    end    def add     n=0     csv::parse(params[:dump][:file].read, :headers => true) |row|       student.new(row.to_hash.symbolize_keys).save       n=n+1     end      flash.now[:message]="csv import successful,  #{n} new records added data base"   end 


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