css - Strange behaviour when using text-align justify/text-justify and right -

i ran 1 ie-specific problem can't wrap head around.

the following html , css can seen live in pen.

:: html

<div id="container">     <div class="dummy">dummy</div>     <nav>         <div id="right">             <ul>                 <li>lorem ipsum <img src="http://placehold.it/80x40"> dolor sit amet.</li>                 <li>anal natrach, ut vas petat, <img src="http://placehold.it/80x40"> doriel dienve.</li>             </ul>             <div class="dummy">dummy</div>             <div class="dummy">dummy</div>         </div>     </nav> </div> 

:: css

/* reset */ * { margin: 0; padding: 0; vertical-align: top; } ul { list-style: none; }  /* markup */ #container {     line-height: 0;     font-size: 0rem;     text-align: justify;     text-justify: distribute-all-lines; }  #container:after {     content: '';     display: inline-block;     width: 100%; }  #container > * {     display: inline-block;     line-height: 1;     font-size: 1rem;     text-align: left;     text-justify: none; /* not work */ }  #container nav {     text-align: right; }  #right > * {     display: inline-block; }  /* colors & stuff */ #container { padding: 10px;  background: #cfc; } .dummy { padding: 10px; background: #ffc; } #container nav { padding: 10px; background: #ccf; } ul { padding: 10px; background: #fcc; } 

so, what's problem?

the content of green div justified, while each child of div in turn given text-align: left;. children are: left dummy div , bluish nav.

the nav contains list (red), , 2 dummies. red list's items text-align set right - , there's lies problem (or @ least, there can see it).

the first image shifted left (and overlays/hides piece of text). second image (and whole second list item) fine. this, however, changes, when changing text. seems if image of longest (meaning widest) item stays should - other images (if create more items) shifted - depending on list item's width, is.

now, why - , how can fix it?

the following things found out far:

  • when setting li { text-align: left; } image stays fine in between 2 text portions - don't right alignment, of course.
  • when removing text-justify #container image stays fine well.
  • setting text-justify either auto or none not seem work...

once again: this regarding internet explorer (9+).

// edit
in order avoid time being spent on i'm not interested in, i'll post more on i'd have.

the final code must

  • keep current/desired functionality (i.e., justified alignment);
  • work in major browsers (current version , @ least 1 before that).

the final code must not

  • contain floats;
  • contain absolute/relative positions.

// edit
here screenshot of desired result (firefox), , 1 of in ie...


change text-justify distribute (tested in ie10, ie9, chrome, ff):

text-justify: distribute; 

check out codepen see in action.


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