r - Trouble with horizontal and vertical lines accepting class "Date" in ggplot? -

i'm trying make gantt chart in ggplot based on generous code offered user didzis elferts. i'm trying add vertical line showing today's date, geom_vline layer in ggplot2 package returns error: discrete value supplied continuous scale. here code:

    today <- as.date(sys.date(), "%m/%d/%y")     library(scales)     ggplot(mdfr, aes(time,name, colour = is.critical)) +        geom_line(size = 6) +       xlab("") + ylab("")+       labs(title="sample project progress")+       theme_bw()+       scale_x_datetime(breaks=date_breaks("1 year"))+       geom_vline(aes(xintercept=today)) 

the plot without geom_vline command looks plot:

any reason why geom_vline wouldn't work "date" character?

edit: reproducible code used generate plot:

    ### gantt chart 1 ###############3     tasks <- c("meetings", "client calls", "design", "bidding", "construction")     dfr <- data.frame(       name        = factor(tasks, levels = tasks),       start.date  = c("07/08/2013", "07/08/2013", "07/23/2013", "08/30/2013", "9/30/2013"),       end.date    = c("07/12/2013", "07/13/2013", "08/15/2013", "09/12/2013", "12/01/2013"),       is.critical = c(true, false, true, true, true))      mdfr <- melt(dfr, measure.vars = c("start.date", "end.date"))     mdfr$time <- as.posixct(strptime(mdfr$value,"%m/%d/%y")) 

there 2 thinks need change in code.

first, making time column in mdfr use as.posixct() same should done today - both variables should have same format.

today <- as.posixct(sys.date(), "%m/%d/%y") 

second, use as.numeric() inside geom_vline() around today.

  + geom_vline(aes(xintercept=as.numeric(today))) 


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