How to Update data in MongoDb with Java? -

hello every 1 working working on mongodb java. done connection insert , retrieve value mongodb when try update data code not working .

my code :

public static result updateprofile() throws unknownhostexception  {     final  dynamicform profileform=form().bindfromrequest();     final  string username1 = profileform.get("username");     final  string password1 = profileform.get("password");     final  string email1 = profileform.get("email");     final  string userid = session("userid");     mongoclient mongo=new mongoclient("localhost",27017);      db db = mongo.getdb("webportal");      dbcollection coll=db.getcollection("userdb");     basicdbobject doc2=new basicdbobject("_id", userid);     basicdbobject doc1=new basicdbobject();     doc1.append("username", username1);     doc1.append("username", username1);     doc1.append("password", password1);     doc1.append("email",email1 );     basicdbobject doc3=new basicdbobject("$set",doc1);     coll.update(doc2, doc3);     return ok(userid+username1);         } 

i read this block updating data in mongo

could please try this.

objectid id= new objectid("4f693d40e4b04cde19f17205");         basicdbobject searchquery = new basicdbobject();         searchquery .put("_id", id);   basicdbobject updatedocument = new basicdbobject(); updatedocument .append("$set", new basicdbobject("username", username1));  coll.update(searchquery , updatedocument); 


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