objective c - adding CCPhysicsSprite to CCLayer cocos2d -

i'm trying reorganize helloworld project in cocos2d our needs. thing did - made class, inherent ccphysicssprite , wanted add cclayer (helloworldlayer). goes wrong. according debugger instance created, can't see in ios emulator. need , explanations.


@interface helloworldlayer : cclayer <gkachievementviewcontrollerdelegate,     gkleaderboardviewcontrollerdelegate> {     cctexture2d *spritetexture_;    // weak ref     b2world* world_;                    // strong ref     glesdebugdraw *m_debugdraw;     // strong ref } 

helloworldlayer.mm (only changed me functions:)

-(id) init {     if( (self=[super init])) {          // enable events          self.touchenabled = yes;         self.accelerometerenabled = yes;         cgsize s = [ccdirector shareddirector].winsize;          // init physics         [self initphysics];          // create reset button         //[self createmenu];          //set sprite  //#if 1 //      // use batch node. faster //      ccspritebatchnode *parent = [ccspritebatchnode batchnodewithfile:@"blocks.png" capacity:100]; //      spritetexture_ = [parent texture]; //#else //      // doesn't use batch node. slower //      spritetexture_ = [[cctexturecache sharedtexturecache] addimage:@"blocks.png"]; //      ccnode *parent = [ccnode node]; //#endif //      [self addchild:parent z:0 tag:ktagparentnode]; //       //       //      [self addnewspriteatposition:ccp(s.width/2, s.height/2)];          cclabelttf *label = [cclabelttf labelwithstring:@"tap screen" fontname:@"marker felt" fontsize:32];         [self addchild:label z:0];         [label setcolor:ccc3(0,0,255)];         label.position = ccp( s.width/2, s.height-50);          [self scheduleupdate];     }     return self; }   -(void) addnewspriteatposition:(cgpoint)p {     cclog(@"add sprite %0.2f x %02.f",p.x,p.y);     if([self getchildbytag:ktagparentnode] == nil)     {         bloodrobotunit *unit = [[bloodrobotunit alloc] initwithowner:world_ at:p];         [self addchild:unit z:0 tag:ktagparentnode];     } } 

and creating unit: (header , mm file:)

@interface bloodrobotunit : ccphysicssprite {      b2body *body_;     b2world *owner_; }  -(id) initwithowner:(b2world*)owner at:(cgpoint)pt; 


-(id) initwithowner:(b2world*)owner at:(cgpoint)pt {     if(self = [super initwithfile:@"blocks.png" rect:cgrectmake(0, 0, 32, 32)])     {         owner_ = owner;         //create body @ position         b2bodydef bodydef;         bodydef.type = b2_dynamicbody;         bodydef.position.set(pt.x/ptm_ratio, pt.y/ptm_ratio);         body_ = owner->createbody(&bodydef);          // define box shape our dynamic body.         b2polygonshape dynamicbox;         dynamicbox.setasbox(.5f, .5f);//these mid points our 1m box          // define dynamic body fixture.         b2fixturedef fixturedef;         fixturedef.shape = &dynamicbox;         fixturedef.density = 1.0f;         fixturedef.friction = 0.3f;         body_->createfixture(&fixturedef);          [self setb2body: body_];         [self setposition:pt];         return (self);      } return nil; } 

where mistake? appreciated

the trick in setting position self debugger showed texture @ position inf:inf

code change make work following:

in mm file of creating ccphysicssprite iheriter following:

[self setb2body: body_]; self.ptmratio = ptm_ratio; //[self setposition:cgpointmake(pt.x/ptm_ratio, pt.y/ptm_ratio)]; 

that - need set body position , set ptmratio (thanx @giorashc). setting sprite texture not necessary.


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