Wordpress getFeaturedImage -

i have real-estate website in wordpress.

under each listed property displayed corresponding agent. works fine, problem want agent's featured image displayed well.

here code displaying agent under each property

<?php //// checks see if have gents assigned property if(get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'agents', true) != '' || ddp('public_submissions') == 'on') : 


<div id="property-agents">     <h2><?php _e('contact agent', 'btoa'); ?></h2>             <ul class="list-agents">                <?php             //// lets loop our agents             $agents = get_post_meta(get_the_id(), 'agents', true);              //// if have array             if(is_array($agents)) :             foreach($agents $agent) :                  $this_agent = '';                  //// if it's post type                 if($this_agent = get_post($agent)) {                      if($this_agent->post_type == 'agent') {                         $name = $this_agent->post_title;                         $position = get_post_meta($this_agent->id, 'position', true);                         $email = get_post_meta($this_agent->id, 'email', true);                         $phone = get_post_meta($this_agent->id, 'phone', true);                      } else { $this_agent = 'user'; }                  } else { $this_agent = 'user'; }                  if($this_agent == '' || $this_agent == 'user') {                      if($this_agent = get_user_by('id', $agent)) {                          $name = $this_agent->display_name;                         $position = esc_attr( get_the_author_meta( 'position', $this_agent->id ) );                         $email = $this_agent->user_email;                         $phone = get_the_author_meta( 'phone', $this_agent->id );                      }                  }                  //// if have gotten users name                 if($name) :          ?>              <li>                  <div class="two-fifths">                      <h4><?php echo $name; ?></h4>                     <h5><?php echo $position; ?></h5>                  </div>                 <!-- /.two-fifths/ -->                  <div class="three-fifths last">                      <?php if($email != '') : ?><div class="three-fifths"><strong><?php _e('email', 'btoa'); ?></strong><a href="mailto:<?php echo $email; ?>" title="email john"><?php echo $email; ?></a></div><?php endif; ?>                      <?php if($phone != '') : ?><div class="two-fifths last"><strong><?php _e('phone', 'btoa'); ?></strong><?php echo $phone; ?></div><?php endif; ?>                  </div>                 <!-- /.three-fifths/ -->              </li>          <?php endif; endforeach; endif; ?>      </ul>  </div> <!-- /#property-agents/ -->  

and code gettin featured image

function ddtimthumb($img = null, $width = null, $height = null) {      //// if image has been provided     if($img != null) {          $image = vt_resize('', $img, $width, $height, true );          //// if not error         if(is_array($image)) { return $image['url']; } else { return ''; }      } else { return ''; }  }  function getfeaturedimage($post_id = null) {      if($post_id != null) {          $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id ), 'single-post-thumbnail' );         return $image;      }  } 

you can use function featured image.

<?php echo getfeaturedimage($this_agent->id); ?> 


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