c# - WPF ListBox bind ItemsSource with MVVM-light -


<window x:class="html5mapper.mapper.mainwindow"     xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"     xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"     xmlns:wpt="http://schemas.xceed.com/wpf/xaml/toolkit"     title="html mapper" height="300" width="600" > <window.datacontext>     <binding path="main" source="{staticresource locator}"/> </window.datacontext>  <listbox name="lbfiles" itemssource="{binding filescollection, mode=oneway}" width="240" height="220">         <listbox.itemtemplate>             <datatemplate>                 <grid margin="0,2">                     <grid.columndefinitions>                         <columndefinition width="*" />                         <columndefinition width="100" />                     </grid.columndefinitions>                     <image source="html.png" height="40" width="32" />                     <textblock grid.column="1" text="{binding name}" />                 </grid>             </datatemplate>         </listbox.itemtemplate>     </listbox> 


public observablecollection<files> filescollection { get; set; }     public mainviewmodel() {     this.filescollection = new observablecollection<files>();     selectfilesaction(); }  private void selectfilesaction() {    this.filescollection.add(new files { name = "index.html", path = "c:\\files"});    //lbfiles.itemssource = docs; } 

q: else need docs object listbox ?

in opinion binding controls wrong datacontect, check output window erros. might want set datacontext of main window mainviewmodel (in codebehind or similar). why create instance docs? useless.

public observablecollection<files> filescollection {get;set;}  public mainviewmodel() {     this.filescollection = new observablecollection<files>();     selectfilesaction(); }  private void selectfilesaction() {    filescollection.add(new files { name = "index.html", path = "c:\\files"}); } 


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