Convert OpenCv DFT example from C++ to Android -

i want implement follwoing opencv example in android app:

my code foll0wing:

        //first convert bitmap mat         mat imagemat = new mat ( image.getheight(), image.getwidth(), cvtype.cv_64fc1, new scalar(4));         bitmap mybitmap32 = image.copy(bitmap.config.argb_8888, true);         utils.bitmaptomat(mybitmap32, imagemat);           imgproc.cvtcolor(imagemat, imagemat, imgproc.color_rgb2gray);          mat padded = new mat(cvtype.cv_64fc1);                            //expand input image optimal size         int m = core.getoptimaldftsize(imagemat.rows());         int n = core.getoptimaldftsize(imagemat.cols()); // on border add 0 values         imgproc.copymakeborder(imagemat, padded, 0, m - imagemat.rows(), 0, n - imagemat.cols(), imgproc.border_constant);          list<mat> planes = new arraylist<mat>();         planes.add(padded);         planes.add(mat.zeros(padded.rows(), padded.cols(), cvtype.cv_64fc1));          mat complexi = mat.zeros(padded.rows(), padded.cols(), cvtype.cv_64fc1);          core.merge(planes, complexi);         // add expanded plane zeros          core.dft(complexi, complexi);            // way result may fit in source matrix          // compute magnitude , switch logarithmic scale         // => log(1 + sqrt(re(dft(i))^2 + im(dft(i))^2))         core.split(complexi, planes);                   // planes[0] = re(dft(i), planes[1] = im(dft(i))         core.magnitude(planes.get(0), planes.get(1), planes.get(1));// planes[0] = magnitude         mat magi = planes.get(0);          core.add(magi, mat.ones(padded.rows(), padded.cols(), cvtype.cv_64fc1), magi);                 // switch logarithmic scale         core.log(magi, magi);           mat crop = new mat(magi, new rect(0, 0, magi.cols() & -2, magi.rows() & -2));          magi = crop.clone();          // rearrange quadrants of fourier image  origin @ image center         int cx = magi.cols()/2;         int cy = magi.rows()/2;           rect q0rect = new rect (0, 0, cx, cy);         rect q1rect = new rect (cx, 0, cx, cy);         rect q2rect = new rect (0, cy, cx, cy);         rect q3rect = new rect (cx, cy, cx, cy);          mat q0 = new mat(magi, q0rect);   // top-left - create roi per quadrant         mat q1 = new mat(magi, q1rect);  // top-right         mat q2 = new mat(magi, q2rect);  // bottom-left         mat q3 = new mat(magi, q3rect); // bottom-right          mat tmp = new mat();                           // swap quadrants (top-left bottom-right)         q0.copyto(tmp);         q3.copyto(q0);         tmp.copyto(q3);          q1.copyto(tmp);                    // swap quadrant (top-right bottom-left)         q2.copyto(q1);         tmp.copyto(q2);          core.normalize(magi, magi, 0, 1, core.norm_minmax);          mat realresult = new mat();         magi.convertto(realresult, cvtype.cv_64fc1);             //then convert processed mat bitmap         bitmap resultbitmap = bitmap.createbitmap(imagemat.cols(),  imagemat.rows(),bitmap.config.argb_8888);;         utils.mattobitmap(imagemat, resultbitmap);          //set member result bitmap. member displayed in imageview         mresult = resultbitmap; 

(note: image input bitmap , mresult output bitmap shown in imageview)

i following error:

error: 08-08 12:17:36.207: a/libc(1594): fatal signal 11 (sigsegv) @ 0x0000000a (code=1), thread 1594 (xxxx)

is able see error?

i copied code , got work on android. there's few changes i've made, not sure necessary here are:

  1. having dst , src same ok in c++ i'm not sure java implementation tolerant. tend create different objects these avoid conflicts
  2. the 'padded' mat object: i've initialised size:

    mat padded = new mat(new size(n, m), cvtype.cv_64fc1) 
  3. mat complexi should of type cv_64fc2 think.

  4. i set upper bound variable core.normalize call 255
  5. i convert results cv_8uc1 can display on implementation.

here code i've been using:

    private mat getdft(mat singlechannel) {      singlechannel.convertto(image1, cvtype.cv_64fc1);      int m = core.getoptimaldftsize(image1.rows());     int n = core.getoptimaldftsize(image1.cols()); // on border                                                     // add 0                                                     // values                                                     // imgproc.copymakeborder(image1,                                                     // padded, 0, m -                                                     // image1.rows(), 0, n      mat padded = new mat(new size(n, m), cvtype.cv_64fc1); // expand input                                                             // image                                                             // optimal size      imgproc.copymakeborder(image1, padded, 0, m - singlechannel.rows(), 0,             n - singlechannel.cols(), imgproc.border_constant);      list<mat> planes = new arraylist<mat>();     planes.add(padded);     planes.add(mat.zeros(padded.rows(), padded.cols(), cvtype.cv_64fc1));      mat complexi = mat.zeros(padded.rows(), padded.cols(), cvtype.cv_64fc2);      mat complexi2 = mat             .zeros(padded.rows(), padded.cols(), cvtype.cv_64fc2);      core.merge(planes, complexi); // add expanded plane                                     // zeros      core.dft(complexi, complexi2); // way result may fit in                                     // source matrix      // compute magnitude , switch logarithmic scale     // => log(1 + sqrt(re(dft(i))^2 + im(dft(i))^2))     core.split(complexi2, planes); // planes[0] = re(dft(i), planes[1] =                                     // im(dft(i))      mat mag = new mat(planes.get(0).size(), planes.get(0).type());      core.magnitude(planes.get(0), planes.get(1), mag);// planes[0]                                                         // =                                                         // magnitude      mat magi = mag;     mat magi2 = new mat(magi.size(), magi.type());     mat magi3 = new mat(magi.size(), magi.type());     mat magi4 = new mat(magi.size(), magi.type());     mat magi5 = new mat(magi.size(), magi.type());      core.add(magi, mat.ones(padded.rows(), padded.cols(), cvtype.cv_64fc1),             magi2); // switch logarithmic scale     core.log(magi2, magi3);      mat crop = new mat(magi3, new rect(0, 0, magi3.cols() & -2,             magi3.rows() & -2));      magi4 = crop.clone();      // rearrange quadrants of fourier image origin @     // image center     int cx = magi4.cols() / 2;     int cy = magi4.rows() / 2;      rect q0rect = new rect(0, 0, cx, cy);     rect q1rect = new rect(cx, 0, cx, cy);     rect q2rect = new rect(0, cy, cx, cy);     rect q3rect = new rect(cx, cy, cx, cy);      mat q0 = new mat(magi4, q0rect); // top-left - create roi per quadrant     mat q1 = new mat(magi4, q1rect); // top-right     mat q2 = new mat(magi4, q2rect); // bottom-left     mat q3 = new mat(magi4, q3rect); // bottom-right      mat tmp = new mat(); // swap quadrants (top-left bottom-right)     q0.copyto(tmp);     q3.copyto(q0);     tmp.copyto(q3);      q1.copyto(tmp); // swap quadrant (top-right bottom-left)     q2.copyto(q1);     tmp.copyto(q2);      core.normalize(magi4, magi5, 0, 255, core.norm_minmax);      mat realresult = new mat(magi5.size(), cvtype.cv_8uc1);      magi5.convertto(realresult, cvtype.cv_8uc1);      return realresult; } 

here example of results; background original image; bottom left single channel version passed function , top right image returned function.

enter image description here


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