How to change address 'hadoop jar' command is connecting to? -

i have been trying start mapreduce job on cluster following command:

bin/hadoop jar myjar.jar mainclass /user/hduser/input /user/hduser/output 

but following error on , on again, until connection refused:

13/08/08 00:37:16 info ipc.client: retrying connect server: localhost/ tried 5 time(s); retry policy retryuptomaximumcountwithfixedsleep(maxretries=10, sleeptime=1 seconds) 

i checked netstat see if service listening correct port:

~> sudo netstat -plten | grep java tcp        0      0*               listen      10022      38365       11366/java tcp        0      0*               listen      10022      32164       11829/java 

now notice service listening port, ip of master, seems 'hadoop jar' command connecting (the localhost, same machine) therefore doesn't find service. there anyway force 'hadoop jar' @ instead of

my namenode, datanode, jobtracker, tasktracker, ... running. checked datanode , tasktracker on slaves , seems working. can check webui on master , shows cluster online.

i expect problem dns related since seems 'hadoop jar' command finds correct port, uses address instead of


configuration in core-site.xml

<configuration>  <property>   <name>hadoop.tmp.dir</name>   <value>/app/hadoop/tmp</value>   <description>a base other temporary directories.</description> </property>  <property>   <name></name>   <value>hdfs://master:54310</value>   <description>the name of default file system.  uri   scheme , authority determine filesystem implementation.    uri's scheme determines config property (fs.scheme.impl) naming   filesystem implementation class.  uri's authority used   determine host, port, etc. filesystem.</description> </property>  </configuration> 

configuration in mapred-site.xml

<configuration>  <property>   <name>mapred.job.tracker</name>   <value>master:54311</value>   <description>the host , port mapreduce job tracker runs   at.  if "local", jobs run in-process single map   , reduce task.   </description> </property>  </configuration> 

configuration in hdfs-site.xml

<configuration>  <property>   <name>dfs.replication</name>   <value>1</value>   <description>default block replication.   actual number of replications can specified when file created.   default used if replication not specified in create time.   </description> </property>  </configuration> 

although seemed dns issue, hadoop trying resolve reference localhost in code. deploying jar of else , assumed correct. upon further inspection found reference localhost , changed master, solving issue.


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