Using maven to build an CXF & Spring Web Service EAR file for Weblogic 10.3.6 -

i have created simple cxf & spring web service , build war file using maven. need package web service ear file , deploy on remote weblogic server.

i have tried searching web regarding how using maven build ear file cxf & spring web service not information.

does have done before , able share how can go doing this?


the maven-ear-plugin docs cover lot of this. weblogic specific part decide kind of production redeployment strategy used. if plan use "production redeployment" there additional entry make in ear manifest weblogic has version information application (more documentation). here's example partial pom.

<groupid></groupid> <artifactid>myearsimple</artifactid> <version>${my.ear.version}</version> <packaging>ear</packaging>  <build>     <finalname>myappear</finalname>     <plugins>         <plugin>             <groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid>             <artifactid>maven-ear-plugin</artifactid>             <version>2.8</version>             <configuration>                 <version>5</version>  <!-- java ee version used app -->                 <displayname>${project.artifactid}</displayname>                 <applicationname>${project.artifactid}</applicationname>                 <filenamemapping>no-version</filenamemapping>                  <archive>                     <manifestentries>                         <!-- must have if intend use production redeployment, use whatever value long conforms weblogic's version criteria specified in documentation provided -->                         <weblogic-application-version>${project.version}</weblogic-application-version>                     </manifestentries>                 </archive>                 <modules>                     <webmodule>                         <moduleid>mywebappid</moduleid>                         <groupid></groupid>                         <artifactid>mywar</artifactid>                         <contextroot>mywarcontextroot</contextroot>                     </webmodule>                     <ejbmodule>                         <moduleid>myejbid</moduleid>                         <groupid></groupid>                         <artifactid>myejb</artifactid>                     </ejbmodule>                     <!-- other modules here -->                 </modules>             </configuration>         </plugin>     </plugins> </build>  <dependencies>     <!-- here, specify dependencies corresponding modules -->     <dependency>         <groupid></groupid>         <artifactid>mywar</artifactid>         <version>${the.war.version}</version>         <type>war</type>     </dependency>      <dependency>         <groupid></groupid>         <artifactid>myejb</artifactid>         <version>${my.ejb.version}</version>         <type>ejb</type>     </dependency> </dependencies> 


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