c# - Converting hexadecimal color to integer -

this integer color in database : "8689404".

i change color following:

color = colorhelper.fromargb(255,         byte.parse(event.labelcolor.value.tostring("x8").substring(6, 2), numberstyles.hexnumber),         byte.parse(event.labelcolor.value.tostring("x8").substring(4, 2), numberstyles.hexnumber),         byte.parse(event.labelcolor.value.tostring("x8").substring(2, 2), numberstyles.hexnumber)) 

this gives me color string "#fffc9684"

now problem unable parse color string integer, can save in database. have yet is:

byte = byte.parse(labelcolor.color.trimstart('#').substring(0, 2), system.globalization.numberstyles.hexnumber); byte b = byte.parse(labelcolor.color.trimstart('#').substring(6, 2), system.globalization.numberstyles.hexnumber); byte g = byte.parse(labelcolor.color.trimstart('#').substring(4, 2), system.globalization.numberstyles.hexnumber); byte r = byte.parse(labelcolor.color.trimstart('#').substring(2, 2), system.globalization.numberstyles.hexnumber); 

this gives me:

a = 255 b = 132 g = 150 r = 252 

these values correct can't compare them "8689404"

as per findings:

b = 132 = 84  g = 150 = 96 r = 252 = fc = 255 = ff 

this have yet, how can have integer color string. working in winrt. help!!! in advance

this produce correct decimal value want:

int decvalue = int.parse("8496fc", system.globalization.numberstyles.hexnumber); 

as can see hex value used produce decimal value consists of following colour components:

b (84) g (96) r (fc)

with component dropped.

this can calculated using substring on full hex colour so:

string colour = labelcolor.color.trimstart('#'); string r = colour.substring(2, 2); string g = colour.substring(4, 2); string b = colour.substring(6, 2); 

which can use so:

int decvalue = int.parse(b + g + r, system.globalization.numberstyles.hexnumber); //decvalue = 8689404 

here working example


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