java - Printing applet GUI -

i'm trying print same have in applet gui.

the things it's when print it's not same... size of each component changes in disproportionately way.

the gui:

enter image description here


enter image description here

the margins not problem, can fix them easily... can see barcode , vertical text has not proper size.

main class:

    public class impresion extends applet{         printerjob job = printerjob.getprinterjob();         panel test;         label test2;         label test3;         string copyparam = null;         string dialogparam = null;         string codeparam = null;         string descparam = null;         public void init(){             copyparam = this.getparameter("copias");             dialogparam = this.getparameter("ventanita");             codeparam = this.getparameter("codigo");             descparam = this.getparameter("descripcion");             copyparam = "1";             dialogparam = "1";             codeparam = "002/113";             descparam = "asd";              if (copyparam == null || dialogparam == null || codeparam == null || descparam == null){                 system.out.println("faltan parametros. - "+copyparam+" - "+dialogparam+" - "+codeparam+" - "+descparam);             } else {                 job.setprintable(new dibujar(codeparam, descparam));                 printrequestattributeset aset = new hashprintrequestattributeset();                 float leftmargin = (float) 0.1;                 float topmargin = (float) 0.1;                 float rightmargin = (float) 0.1;                 float bottommargin = (float) 0.1;                 float mediawidth = (float) 60.0;                 float mediaheight = (float) 50.0;                 aset.add(new mediaprintablearea(leftmargin, topmargin, (mediawidth - leftmargin - rightmargin), (mediaheight - topmargin - bottommargin),;                 int copias = integer.parseint(copyparam);                 aset.add(new copies(copias));                 boolean imprimir = true;                 if (dialogparam.indexof('1') != -1){                     imprimir = job.printdialog(aset);                 }                 if (imprimir){                     try {                         job.print(aset);                     } catch (printerexception e) {                         e.printstacktrace();                     }                 }             }         }     } 

printable class:

    public class dibujar implements printable{         string codeparam = null;         string descparam = null;         public dibujar(string code, string desc) {             codeparam = code;             descparam = desc;         }          public int print(graphics g, pageformat pageformat, int pageindex) throws printerexception{             if (pageindex > 0){                 return no_such_page;             }             barcode b = null;             try {                 b = barcodefactory.createcodabar(codeparam);                 b.setdrawingtext(false);                 b.setbarwidth(1);                 b.draw((graphics2d) g, 30, 8);             } catch (barcodeexception | outputexception e1) {                 e1.printstacktrace();             }             g.setfont(new font("arial", font.bold, 9));             string description = descparam;             g.drawstring(description, 16, 70);             affinetransform @ = affinetransform.getrotateinstance(math.toradians(90),16,8);             graphics2d g2 = (graphics2d) g;             g2.transform(at);             g.setfont(new font("arial", font.bold, 14));             g2.drawstring(codeparam.replace("/",  ""),16,8);             g2.transform(new affinetransform());             return page_exists;         }     } 

adjust parameters in this:

aset.add(new mediaprintablearea(leftmargin, topmargin, (mediawidth - leftmargin - rightmargin), (mediaheight - topmargin - bottommargin),; 

or adjust parameters in these two:

b.draw((graphics2d) g, 30, 8); //.... g2.drawstring(codeparam.replace("/", ""),16,8); 


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