Android: avoid webview refresh in tab fragment -
i'm creating app 2 tabs, 1 of tabs contains webview
. problem every time switch between tabs, webview
my structure is:
i created actionbar , tabs extends fragment
my tab2 class code:
public class copyoftab2 extends fragment implements actionbar.tablistener{ private fragment mfragment; private webview mwebview ; private bundle webviewbundle; @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); getactivity().setcontentview(r.layout.activity_tab2); } public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup container, bundle savedinstancestate) { log.e("rh", "in oncreateview"); view v = inflater.inflate(r.layout.activity_tab2, container, false); //imageview imageview = (imageview)v.findviewbyid(; return v; } @override public void onviewcreated(view view, bundle savedinstancestate) { mwebview = (webview)view.findviewbyid(; //gallery.setadapter(adapter); mwebview.getsettings().setjavascriptenabled(true); // enable javascript mwebview.setwebviewclient(new webviewclient() { public void onreceivederror(webview view, int errorcode, string description, string failingurl) { log.e("rh","error in web rh"); //toast.maketext(activity, description, toast.length_short).show(); } }); if (webviewbundle == null) { log.e("rh","webviewbundle null"); mwebview.loadurl(""); } else { log.e("rh","webviewbundle not null"); mwebview.restorestate(webviewbundle); } super.onviewcreated(view, savedinstancestate); } public void ontabselected(tab tab, fragmenttransaction ft) { //switchcontent("tab2"); // todo auto-generated method stub mfragment = new copyoftab2(); // attach fragment1.xml layout ft.add(, mfragment); ft.attach(mfragment); } public void ontabunselected(tab tab, fragmenttransaction ft) { // todo auto-generated method stub // remove fragment1.xml layout //ft.remove(mfragment); ft.hide(mfragment); } public void ontabreselected(tab tab, fragmenttransaction ft) { // todo auto-generated method stub } }
i using similar approach , suffering same problem, because every time tab selected new instance of fragment created:
mfragment = new copyoftab2();
hence executed again.
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