symfony - Associated entities with onDelete: CASCADE option and both soft-deleteable not working -
i have 2 associated entities(user,picture) cascade="remove" option , both soft-deleteable
when use softdelete delete user, should put pictures deleted.and it's not working.
without softdelete works perfect.
can me solve problem?
my code:
leo\testbundle\entity\picture: type: entity repositoryclass: leo\testbundle\entity\picturerepository table: null manytoone: user: targetentity: user inversedby: pictures joincolumn: name: user_id referencedcolumnname: id ondelete: cascade gedmo: soft_deleteable: field_name: deletedat fields: id: type: integer id: true generator: strategy: auto name: type: string length: 255 path: type: string length: 255 deletedat: type: datetime nullable: true
leo\testbundle\entity\user: type: entity table: null repositoryclass: leo\testbundle\entity\userrepository onetomany: pictures: targetentity: picture mappedby: user gedmo: soft_deleteable: field_name: deletedat fields: id: type: integer id: true generator: strategy: auto username: type: string length: 255 email: type: string length: 255 password: type: string length: 255 sex: type: integer bloodtype: type: string length: 10 birthday: type: date pr: type: text salt: type: string length: 255 deletedat: type: datetime nullable: true lifecyclecallbacks: { }
doctrine: orm: auto_generate_proxy_classes: %kernel.debug% auto_mapping: true filters: softdeleteable: class: gedmo\softdeleteable\filter\softdeleteablefilter enabled: true
public function deleteaction() { $token = $this->getrequest()->get('token'); if (! $this->get('form.csrf_provider')->iscsrftokenvalid('user_list', $token)) { //todo use setflashbag $this->get('session')->setflash('notice', 'woops! token invalid!'); return $this->redirect('user_list'); } //$em = $this->getdoctrine()->getentitymanager(); $em = $this->getdoctrine()->getmanager(); $user = $this->getuser(); $pictures = $user->getpictures(); $em->remove($user); /* foreach( $pictures $p ){ unlink($p->getabsolutepath()); } */ $em->flush(); $this->get('security.context')->settoken(null); $this->getrequest() ->getsession() ->invalidate(); return $this->redirect($this->generateurl('leo_test_homepage')); }
ok, problem found carelessness.
leo\testbundle\entity\picture: type: entity repositoryclass: leo\testbundle\entity\picturerepository table: null manytoone: user: targetentity: user inversedby: pictures joincolumn: name: user_id referencedcolumnname: id #**comment out line of code** #ondelete: cascade gedmo: soft_deleteable: field_name: deletedat
user entity
leo\testbundle\entity\user: type: entity table: null repositoryclass: leo\testbundle\entity\userrepository onetomany: pictures: targetentity: picture mappedby: user # add cascade option here cascade: [persist, remove] gedmo: soft_deleteable: field_name: deletedat
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