java - Button in each row of my dynamic listview is not working? -

i have using data in db , showing in listview each row have given sms button go smsactivity,but while clicking sms button not going anyactiviyt,it there,not showing error or logcat error also


    @override     protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_list_item2);         mdbhelper = new ginfydbadapter(this);;         filldata();         registerforcontextmenu(getlistview());       }       @suppresslint("newapi")     @suppresswarnings("deprecation")     private void filldata() {;               cursor projectscursor = mdbhelper.fetchallprojects();         //startmanagingcursor(projectscursor);          // create array specify fields want display in list (only title)         string[] = new string[]{ginfydbadapter.category_column_title,ginfydbadapter.category_column_content,ginfydbadapter.category_column_count};          // , array of fields want bind fields (in case text1)         int[] = new int[]{,,};          dataadapter  = new simplecursoradapter(                 this, r.layout.activity_row2,                 projectscursor,                 from,                 to,                 0);         setlistadapter(dataadapter);            edittext myfilter = (edittext) findviewbyid(;         myfilter.addtextchangedlistener(new textwatcher() {              public void aftertextchanged(editable s) {             }              public void beforetextchanged(charsequence s, int start,                     int count, int after) {             }              public void ontextchanged(charsequence s, int start,                     int before, int count) {                 dataadapter.getfilter().filter(s.tostring());             }         });          dataadapter.setfilterqueryprovider(new filterqueryprovider() {             public cursor runquery(charsequence constraint) {                 return mdbhelper.fetchprojectbyname(constraint.tostring());             }         });              tts = new texttospeech(this, this);         final listview lv = getlistview();         txttext = (textview) findviewbyid(;         lv.settextfilterenabled(true);        }      @override     public void ondestroy() {         // don't forget shutdown tts!         if (tts != null) {             tts.stop();             tts.shutdown();         }         super.ondestroy();     }      public void oninit(int status) {          if (status == texttospeech.success) {              int result = tts.setlanguage(;              if (result == texttospeech.lang_missing_data                     || result == texttospeech.lang_not_supported) {                 log.e("tts", "this language not supported");             } else {                 //btnaudioprayer.setenabled(true);                 speakout();             }          } else {             log.e("tts", "initilization failed!");         }      }        @override     public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu(menu menu) {         // inflate menu; adds items action bar if present.         super.oncreateoptionsmenu(menu);         menuinflater mi = getmenuinflater();         mi.inflate(, menu);         return true;     }      @override     public boolean onmenuitemselected(int featureid, menuitem item) {         createproject();         return super.onmenuitemselected(featureid, item);     }       private void createproject() {         intent = new intent(this, addyourprayeractivity.class);         startactivityforresult(i, activity_create);       }       @override     protected void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent intent) {         super.onactivityresult(requestcode, resultcode, intent);         filldata();     }       private void speakout() {          // string text = txttext.gettext().tostring();         // string text = "android speech";          tts.speak(typed, texttospeech.queue_flush, null);     }      class customadapter extends simplecursoradapter {          private layoutinflater minflater;          @suppresswarnings("deprecation")         public customadapter(context context, int layout, cursor c, string[] from,                 int[] to) {             super(context, layout, c, from, to);             // todo auto-generated constructor stub             minflater= layoutinflater.from(context);         }            public view getview(final int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent, cursor cursor)         {              viewholder holder;              if(convertview==null){                 convertview= minflater.inflate(r.layout.activity_row2, null);                  convertview = inflater.inflate(r.layout.activity_row2, parent, false);                 holder = new viewholder();        = (textview) convertview.findviewbyid(;                 holder.tv1 = (textview) convertview.findviewbyid(;                 holder.buttonsms = (button) convertview.findviewbyid(;                 convertview.settag(holder);             }else{                 holder = (viewholder) convertview.gettag();             }              int col1 = cursor.getcolumnindex("title");             final string title = cursor.getstring(col1 );             int col2 = cursor.getcolumnindex("content");             final string content = cursor.getstring(col2 );     title);             holder.tv1.settext( content);               holder.buttonsms.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {                 @override                 public void onclick(view v) {                      stringbuffer sb2 = new stringbuffer();                     sb2.append("title:");                     sb2.append(html.fromhtml(title));                     sb2.append(",content:");                     sb2.append(html.fromhtml(content));                     sb2.append("\n");                     string strcontactlist1 = (sb2.tostring().trim());                     sendsmsdata(strcontactlist1);                  }              });              // bindview(v,context,cursor);             return convertview;         }          public class viewholder {             textview tv,tv1;             button buttonsms;         }     }         public void sendsmsdata(string strcontactlist1) {          intent intent3=new intent(yourprayeractivity.this,sendsmsactivity.class);          intent3.putextra("firstkeyname", strcontactlist1);         startactivity(intent3);      }        @override     public void onclick(view v) {         // todo auto-generated method stub      }    } 

i using simpleadapter fetching data db,after button function using customadapter fetch data listview,class customadapter extper simplecursoradapter

here mention xml file also.

 <linearlayout                     android:id="@+id/share"                     android:layout_width="0.0dip"                     android:layout_height="fill_parent"                     android:layout_weight="1.0"                     android:background="@drawable/button_new_feed"                     android:orientation="horizontal" >                       <button                         android:id="@+id/buttonsms"                          android:layout_width="25.0dip"                         android:layout_height="fill_parent"                         android:layout_marginleft="4.0dip"                         android:src="@drawable/sms" />                       <imagebutton                         android:id="@+id/mail"                         android:layout_width="25.0dip"                         android:layout_height="fill_parent"                         android:layout_marginleft="6.0dip"                         android:src="@drawable/mail" />                  </linearlayout> 

it hard find out went wrong

you have , customadapter. have button inside activity_row2 inflated row items.

    dataadapter  = new simplecursoradapter(             this, r.layout.activity_row2,             projectscursor,             from,             to,             0); 

you have defined customadapter never use it.

string[] = new string[]{ginfydbadapter.category_column_title,ginfydbadapter.category_column_content,ginfydbadapter.category_column_count};          // , array of fields want bind fields (in case text1)         int[] = new int[]{,,};         dataadapter = new customadapter (yourprayeractivity .this, r.layout.activity_row2, projectscursor, from, to); 

also change customadapter below

class customadapter extends simplecursoradapter {          private layoutinflater minflater;           @suppresswarnings("deprecation")         public customadapter(context context, int layout, cursor c, string[] from, int[] to)                  {             super(context, layout, c, from, to);             minflater= layoutinflater.from(context);             toast.maketext(yourprayeractivity.this, "text", 1000).show();             // todo auto-generated constructor stub         }            @override             public void bindview(view view, context context, final cursor cursor){                 int row_id = cursor.getcolumnindex("_id");  //your row id (might need replace)                 textview tv = (textview) view.findviewbyid(;                 final textview tv1 = (textview) view.findviewbyid(;                 int col1 = cursor.getcolumnindex("title");                 string title = cursor.getstring(col1 );                 int col2 = cursor.getcolumnindex("content");                 final string content = cursor.getstring(col2 );                 tv.settext( title);                 tv1.settext( content);                 button button = (button) view.findviewbyid(;                 button.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener(){                     @override                     public void onclick(view v){                         log.i("....................",""+cursor.getcount());                         toast.maketext(yourprayeractivity.this, "text",400000).show();                     }                 });             }              @override             public view newview(context context, cursor cursor, viewgroup parent){                 layoutinflater inflater = layoutinflater.from(context);                 view v = inflater.inflate(r.layout.activity_row2, parent, false);                  bindview(v,context,cursor);                 return v;             }         } 


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