python - reading an array with multiple items (working on two items not three) -

code below reads text file (containing different arrays) , breaks down separate elements. have working fine arrays 2 sub items, not third.

for example - file works fine:

('january', 2, [('curly', 30), ('larry',10), ('moe',20)]) 


staff = dict()  item in filecontent:     month = filecontent[0]     section = filecontent[1]      name, hours in filecontent[2]:         staff[name] = hours  print ("month:" + month) print ("section: " + str (section))  print ("".join("%s has worked %s hours\n" % (name, hours) name, hours in staff.items()))  overtime = int(input ("enter overtime figure: "))  print ("".join("%s has worked %s hours \n" % (name, (hours + overtime)) name, hours in staff.items())) 

but have different month third array element (a bonus figure), example:

('february', 2, [('curly', 30, **10**), ('larry',10, **10** ), ('moe',20, **10**)]) 

my attempt @ adapting above code below, not working...

staff = dict()  item in filecontent:     month = filecontent[0]     section = filecontent[1]      name, hours, bonus in filecontent[2]:         staff[name] = hours, bonus  print ("month:" + month) print ("section: " + str (section))  print ("".join("%s has worked %s hours %s bonus \n" % (name, hours, bonus) name, hours, bonus in staff.items())) 

when this:

staff[name] = hours, bonus 

you creating tuple:

>>> staff = {} >>> hours = 40 >>> bonus = 10 >>> name = 'john' >>> staff[name] = hours,bonus >>> staff[name] (40, 10) 

so when staff.items() result [('john', (40, 10))]. print this:

print(''.join('{0} has worked {1} hours {2} bonus'.format(x, *y) x,y in staff.items())) 

the *y passes expanded (exploded) tuple format function, maps second , third arguments.


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