symfony - symfony2 contact form error on rendering to the view page -

hey i'm new in symfony2 framework need helo.

this code contact form , when i'm trying render form view page gets error see code bellow , error also.

if 1 knows might problem please let me know..



   <?php // src/aleksandar/intelmarketingbundle/resources/views/contacttype.php namespace aleksandar\intelmarketingbundle\form\type; use symfony\component\form\abstracttype; use symfony\component\form\formbuilderinterface; use symfony\component\optionsresolver\optionsresolverinterface; use symfony\component\validator\constraints\email; use symfony\component\validator\constraints\length; use symfony\component\validator\constraints\notblank; use symfony\component\validator\constraints\collection;   class contacttype extends abstracttype {     public function buildform(formbuilderinterface $builder, array $options)     {         $builder             ->add('name', 'text', array(                 'attr' => array(                     'placeholder' => 'what\'s name?',                     'pattern'     => '.{2,}' //minlength                 )             ))             ->add('email', 'email', array(                 'attr' => array(                     'placeholder' => 'so can you.'                 )             ))             ->add('subject', 'text', array(                 'attr' => array(                     'placeholder' => 'the subject of message.',                     'pattern'     => '.{3,}' //minlength                 )             ))             ->add('message', 'textarea', array(                 'attr' => array(                     'cols' => 20,                     'rows' => 2,                     'placeholder' => 'and message me...'                 )             ));     }      public function setdefaultoptions(optionsresolverinterface $resolver)     {         $collectionconstraint = new collection(array(             'name' => array(                 new notblank(array('message' => 'name should not blank.')),                 new length(array('min' => 2))             ),             'email' => array(                 new notblank(array('message' => 'email should not blank.')),                 new email(array('message' => 'invalid email address.'))             ),             'subject' => array(                 new notblank(array('message' => 'subject should not blank.')),                 new length(array('min' => 3))             ),             'message' => array(                 new notblank(array('message' => 'message should not blank.')),                 new length(array('min' => 5))             )         ));          $resolver->setdefaults(array(             'constraints' => $collectionconstraint         ));     }      public function getname()     {         return 'contact';     } } ?> 

the controller

<?php  namespace aleksandar\intelmarketingbundle\controller; use aleksandar\intelmarketingbundle\form\type\contacttype; use symfony\bundle\frameworkbundle\controller\controller; use sensio\bundle\frameworkextrabundle\configuration\route; use sensio\bundle\frameworkextrabundle\configuration\template;   class defaultcontroller extends controller {  /**  * @route("contact", _name="contact")  * @template()  */                 public function contactaction()     {     return $this->render('aleksandarintelmarketingbundle::contact.html.php');      $form = $this->createform(new contacttype());      if ($request->ismethod('post')) {         $form->bind($request);          if ($form->isvalid()) {             $message = \swift_message::newinstance()                 ->setsubject($form->get('subject')->getdata())                 ->setfrom($form->get('email')->getdata())                 ->setto('')                 ->setbody(                     $this->renderview(                         'aleksandarintelmarketingbundle::contact.html.php',                         array(                             'ip' => $request->getclientip(),                             'name' => $form->get('name')->getdata(),                             'message' => $form->get('message')->getdata()                         )                     )                 );              $this->get('mailer')->send($message);              $request->getsession()->getflashbag()->add('success', 'your email has been sent! thanks!');              return $this->redirect($this->generateurl('contact'));         }     }      return array(         'form' => $form->createview()     );      }   } 

the routing

aleksandar_intel_marketing_contactpage:     pattern:  /contact     defaults: { _controller: aleksandarintelmarketingbundle:default:contact } 

and contact.html.php on view folder

<?php echo $view['form']->form($form) ?> 

now when add the code above in contact.html.php got fallowing

 notice: undefined variable: form in c:\wamp\www\symfony\src\aleksandar\intelmarketingbundle\resources\views\contact.html.php line 1 500 internal server error - contexterrorexception  

the code of view

<!-- app/resources/views/contact.html.php --> <!doctype html> <html>     <head><?php echo $view->render('aleksandarintelmarketingbundle:template:head.html.php') ?></head> <body>     <div class="wrapper">         <div id="header"><?php echo $view->render('aleksandarintelmarketingbundle:template:header.html.php') ?></div>             <div id="leftside"><?php echo $view->render('aleksandarintelmarketingbundle:template:leftside.html.php') ?></div>             <div id="rightside"><?php echo $view->render('aleksandarintelmarketingbundle:template:rightside.html.php') ?>                 <div class="container">                        </div>                     <script type="text/javascript">                          $(document).ready(function () {                              if (!$.browser.webkit) {                                 $('.container').jscrollpane();                                                     }                                                          });                     </script>             <div id="clear"></div>             </div>     <div id="footer">     <?php echo $view->render('aleksandarintelmarketingbundle:template:footer.html.php') ?>     </div>         </div> </body> </html> 

you need add form block:

$this->renderview('aleksandarintelmarketingbundle::contact.html.php', array(     'ip'      => $request->getclientip(),     'name'    => $form->get('name')->getdata(),     'message' => $form->get('message')->getdata(),     'form'    => $form->createview(), )); 

i noticed have

return $this->render('aleksandarintelmarketingbundle::contact.html.php');

as first line inside contactaction method. should remove since code not make past line , it's returning view.


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