ios - Putting links in contact in UIWebView and display on different view controller -

i have view controller in have created simple contact app using apple's addressbook, have created view controller has web view create , displays contacts , phonenumber when user click on generate button. need that, on generate contacts should hyperlinks, , when click on contact should display details of contact have done in 1st view controller. know have use delete of webview not sure how implement it, far have written.

-(bool) webview:(uiwebview *)webview shouldstartloadwithrequest:(nsurlrequest *)request navigationtype:(uiwebviewnavigationtype)navigationtype {      viewcontroller *latestview = [[viewcontroller alloc] initwithnibname:@"viewcontroller" bundle:nil];     [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:latestview animated:yes];      return yes; } 

this function generates , displays contacts in webview, in want know how add hyperlink along contact details

- (ibaction)createfileaction:(id)sender {        nsstring *tweet, *phonenumbers=@"", *temp, *allcontacts=@"";     addressbooks =abaddressbookcreate();     cfarrayref people = abaddressbookcopyarrayofallpeople(addressbooks);     (cfindex = 0; < cfarraygetcount(people); i++)     {         person12 = cfarraygetvalueatindex(people, i);          tweet=[[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@",(__bridge_transfer nsstring *)abrecordcopyvalue(person12, kabpersonfirstnameproperty)] stringbytrimmingcharactersinset:[nscharacterset whitespacecharacterset]];          //appending last name         if(cfbridgingrelease(abrecordcopyvalue(person12,kabpersonlastnameproperty))!=null)         {             tweet=[tweet stringbyappendingstring:@" "];             tweet=[tweet stringbyappendingstring:[[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@",(__bridge_transfer nsstring *)abrecordcopyvalue(person12, kabpersonlastnameproperty)] stringbytrimmingcharactersinset:[nscharacterset whitespacecharacterset]]];         }           tweet=[@"<h5>" stringbyappendingstring:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@",tweet]];         if(cfbridgingrelease(abrecordcopyvalue(person12,kabpersonfirstnameproperty))!=null)         {               abmultivalueref multi = abrecordcopyvalue(person12, kabpersonphoneproperty);             if(abmultivaluegetcount(multi)!=0)             {             //for fetching multiple phone numbers             (int i=0; < abmultivaluegetcount(multi); i++)                  {             temp = (__bridge nsstring*)abmultivaluecopyvalueatindex(multi, i);                 phonenumbers=[phonenumbers stringbyappendingstring:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@/",temp]];                 }                //for trimming characters in contacts (),-," "              nscharacterset *trim = [nscharacterset charactersetwithcharactersinstring:@"()-\" \""];             phonenumbers = [[phonenumbers componentsseparatedbycharactersinset: trim] componentsjoinedbystring: @""];             phonenumbers=[phonenumbers substringtoindex:[phonenumbers length]- 1];             if([phonenumbers rangeofstring:@"/"].location!=nsnotfound)             {                 phonenumbers = [phonenumbers stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"/" withstring:@" / "];             }             }             else             {                 phonenumbers=[phonenumbers stringbyappendingstring:@"no numbers"];              }              tweet=[tweet stringbyappendingstring:@" ---> "];             tweet=[tweet stringbyappendingstring:[[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@",phonenumbers] stringbytrimmingcharactersinset:[nscharacterset whitespacecharacterset]]];             phonenumbers=@"";              nslog(@"%@",tweet);           allcontacts = [allcontacts stringbyappendingformat:@"%@</h5>",tweet];         }      }     cfbridgingrelease(people);           // create file         [self.filemgr createfileatpath:file contents:nil attributes:nil];          [allcontacts writetofile:self.file atomically:no encoding:nsstringencodingconversionallowlossy error:nil];           //test if file exists have tried creating         if([self.filemgr fileexistsatpath:self.file])         {              nsstring *content = @"contact list generated click on view show list";             [webview loadhtmlstring:content baseurl:nil];         }         else          {              nsstring *content = @"contact list not created yet, click on create generate contact list";             [webview loadhtmlstring:content baseurl:nil];         }    } 

can suggest modifications these 2 codes me achieve results??

if understand correctly, want have html links open , instance of viewcontroller. can create type of link <a href="myapp://{some_id_of_the_person}">click here</a>, assuming want pass person's id viewcontroller.

then in [uiwebview webview:shouldstartloadwithrequest:navigationtype:] check if request.url.scheme matches scheme (myapp://) in example:

  • if yes, parse url person's id , open viewcontroller person (and return no method).
  • if not return yes (assuming there might other standard links in view should opened normally).


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