wix3.7 - Wix, customAction set property -

i`m trying set launch conditions, after registry , if exists installation can continue... if not should stop...

problem is, it`s not working...

    <property id="msgeopathv8">         <registrysearch id='msgeov8_pathregistry' type='raw'             root='hklm' key='software\bentley\microstation geographics\08.01' name='pathname' win64='no'/>     </property>      <customaction id="cageopathv8" execute="firstsequence" property="msgeopath" value="[msgeopathv8]" />      <condition message="[msgeopath] installation of requires previous installation of microstation geographics v8 or bentley map xm/v8i.">msgeopath</condition>      ...     ...      <installexecutesequence>         <custom action='cageopathv8' after='launchconditions' />         </installexecutesequence> 

i found need after appsearch... checked orca... custom action scheduled after app search , before launchconditions.... should ok... read variable name should upper case... global... did , still nothing...

any help? thanks

edit: forgot say... if in condition mesasage replace msgeopath msgeopathv8 print path found....

ok, solved it... problem don`t have defined installationui sequence...

<installuisequence>         <custom action='cageopathv8' before='launchconditions'>not installed</custom> </installuisequence> 

with works... still not sure why? because if i`m right executing every time or not?


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