bash - I'm trying to create a script that'll delete all files which have a bitrate less than 130 kbps -
#!/bin/bash find ./ -name '*.mp3' | while read -r i; echo "----------------------------------------" if [ $(mp3info -x "$i" | grep audio | awk '{print $2}') < 130 ] read -p "delete? " -n 1 -r if [[ $reply =~ ^[yy]$ ]] rm -f "$i" && echo "$i succesfully deleted!" fi fi echo "----------------------------------------" done
it stops output:
error opening mp3: /like prayer/madonna - act of contrition.mp3: no such file or directory
it looks there error filepath, cause leading dot missing.
i think ifs set value ".". also, compare integers, use [[ ]]:
#!/bin/bash find ./ -name '*.mp3' | while ifs='' read -r i; echo "----------------------------------------" if [[ $(mp3info -x "$i" | grep audio | awk '{print $2}') -lt 130 ]]; read -p "delete? " -n 1 -r if [[ $reply =~ ^[yy]$ ]]; rm -f "$i" && echo "$i succesfully deleted!" fi fi echo "----------------------------------------" done
btw think have add file question:
read -p "delete $i? " -n 1 -r
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