vb.net - The process cannot access the file '*.doc' because it is being used by another process -
i have number of files created, saved, printed , deleted. don't open them. last file deleted held process can not deleted.
this error message:
the process cannot access file 'c:\temp\34_temp.doc' because being used process.
this save file. use third party control (spire .doc .net) create document. closed after saved.
dim tfname string = my.application.info.directorypath & "\" & now.tostring("hhmmss") & g.tostring() & "_temp.doc" orderdetailsdoc.savetofile(tfname, spire.doc.fileformat.doc) orderdetailsdoc.close() sendmetoprint(tfname) orderdetailsdoc = nothing
this print procedure:
public sub sendmetoprint(byval tmpfilename string) const cssubname string = "sendmetoprint" on error goto errorhandler using dialog new printdialog() dim d new spire.doc.document(tmpfilename) d.printdialog = dialog dialog.document = d.printdocument dialog.allowcurrentpage = true dialog.allowsomepages = true dialog.useexdialog = false dialog.printtofile = false dialog.document.print() d.close() d.printdocument.dispose() d = nothing end using end sub
this use delete files. thread sleep doesn't help. hoping give process time release file, doesn't. appreciated.
public sub clearfolder(byval dirstring string) dim foundfile string dim integer each foundfile in my.computer.filesystem.getfiles(dirstring, fileio.searchoption.searchtoplevelonly, "*temp.doc") if my.computer.filesystem.fileexists(foundfile) = 1 10 try my.computer.filesystem.deletefile(foundfile) exit catch ex exception if = 10 logit(now.tostring("mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt") & " " & cssubname) logit(now.tostring("mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt") & " unable delete file " & foundfile & " after 10 tries on 10 seconds.") logit(now.tostring("mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt") & " exception says: " & ex.message) else threading.thread.sleep(1000) end if end try next end if next exit sub end sub
this sub called print multiple orders. screen contains listing of orders printed.
a loop through each order order detail necessary:
public sub printallorders(optional byval printbatchnum integer = 0) const cssubname string = "printallorders" on error goto errorhandler dim objprintpick clspickscreen dim argworkobject clsworkorder dim strerrorlocation string = "" dim pbn integer dim g integer = 0 dim rsbatchreprint adodb.recordset dim orderdetailsdoc new spire.doc.document frmpickscreen.pickprint = true pbn = generateprtbatchnum() strerrorlocation = "just generated print batch number" each objprintpick in objtotalpickscreen blnredprint = objprintpick.alreadyprinted if objprintpick.printed = false objprintpick.printed = true g = g + 1 argworkobject = new clsworkorder argworkobject.connection = consqldatabase argworkobject.userid = gstruserid argworkobject.role = gconpicking_role argworkobject.orderid = objprintpick.orderid argworkobject.suborderid = objprintpick.suborderid argworkobject.suborderpickscrnstatus = cshort(objprintpick.status) argworkobject.storenumber = objprintpick.fulfillstore argworkobject.loadworkorder() argworkobject.printbatchnumber = pbn call spireprintorder(argworkobject, (gobjoptions.printmulticopies), orderdetailsdoc) insertnewpage(orderdetailsdoc) end if if g mod 10 = 0 , g > 0 dim tfname string = my.application.info.directorypath & "\" & now.tostring("hhmmss") & g.tostring() & "_temp.doc" orderdetailsdoc.savetofile(tfname, spire.doc.fileformat.doc) orderdetailsdoc.close() sendmetoprint(tfname) 'system.diagnostics.process.start(tfname) orderdetailsdoc = nothing orderdetailsdoc = new spire.doc.document end if next objprintpick if g = 0 msgbox("there no unprinted orders.") frmpickscreen.cmdprintdialog.printersettings.copies = 1 frmpickscreen.cmdprintdialog.printersettings.defaultpagesettings.landscape = false else strerrorlocation = "about send order printer - outside loop" dim tfname string = my.application.info.directorypath & "\" & now.tostring("hhmmss") & g.tostring() & "_temp.doc" orderdetailsdoc.savetofile(tfname, spire.doc.fileformat.doc) orderdetailsdoc.close() sendmetoprint(tfname) orderdetailsdoc = nothing 'system.diagnostics.process.start(tfname) end if end sub public sub spireprintorder(byref argworkobject clsworkorder, byref argblnprintmultiple boolean, byref orderdetailsdoc document) dim intpagenum integer dim intlinesprinted integer dim strerrorlocation string dim x integer dim blnspecitem boolean dim integer dim g integer dim lngcountofdepts integer dim strprintdate string dim strdescprint string = "" dim boolpickprint boolean = frmpickscreen.pickprint dim prodpara paragraph dim tmpsec section on error goto errorhandler dim dialog new printdialog() dialog.allowcurrentpage = true dialog.allowsomepages = true dialog.useexdialog = true strerrorlocation = "preparing print printorder" lngcountofdepts = 0 strprintdate = cstr(now) dialog = frmpickscreen.cmdprintdialog intnumcopies = dialog.printersettings.copies lngcountofdepts = getnumberofdepts((argworkobject.suborderid), (argworkobject.storenumber)) g = 1 lngcountofdepts if g > 1 insertnewpage(orderdetailsdoc) end if = 1 intnumcopies logit(now.tostring("mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss") & " number of copies " & intnumcopies.tostring()) intpagenum = 1 ipagelinecounter = 0 spirepageheader(orderdetailsdoc, argworkobject, intpagenum, true, false, argblnprintmultiple, g, lngcountofdepts, strprintdate) spirestaticheader(orderdetailsdoc) x = 1 argworkobject.allorderitems.count if ipagelinecounter > 35 intpagenum += 1 insertnewpage(orderdetailsdoc) ipagelinecounter = 0 spirepageheader(orderdetailsdoc, argworkobject, intpagenum, true, false, argblnprintmultiple, g, lngcountofdepts, strprintdate) spirestaticheader(orderdetailsdoc) end if blnspecitem = false if argworkobject.allorderitems.item(x).isgiftwrap = true or argworkobject.allorderitems.item(x).mfgrebate = true blnspecitem = true end if strdescprint = trim(left(argworkobject.allorderitems.item(x).itemdescription, 65)) if blnspecitem = true strdescprint = "(spc item) " & left(strdescprint, 54) end if if blnredprint = true if argworkobject.allorderitems.item(x).printed = false strdescprint = "(new item) " & trim(left(strdescprint, 54)) end if end if 'pad fields displayed on page astetic appearance padproduct(argworkobject, x) addorderdata(argworkobject.allorderitems.item(x).imagepathname, orderdetailsdoc, strdescprint) if argworkobject.allorderitems.item(x).mfgrebate = true tmpsec = orderdetailsdoc.sections.lastitem prodpara = tmpsec.paragraphs(0) prodpara.appendtext(space(5) & argworkobject.allorderitems.item(x).mfgrebatemsg & vbcrlf).characterformat.font = mycnreg12font prodpara.appendtext("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbcrlf).characterformat.font = mycnreg12font ipagelinecounter += 2 end if next if ucase(trim(argworkobject.shippingmethod)) = "ups expedited" if ipagelinecounter > 35 spirepageheader(orderdetailsdoc, argworkobject, intpagenum, true, false, argblnprintmultiple, g, lngcountofdepts, strprintdate) end if tmpsec = orderdetailsdoc.sections.lastitem prodpara = tmpsec.paragraphs(0) prodpara.appendtext(" " & vbcrlf) prodpara.appendtext(" " & vbcrlf) prodpara.appendtext(space(31) & "***************************************************" & vbcrlf).characterformat.font = mycnbold12font prodpara.appendtext(space(31) & "* customer paying premium rush service *" & vbcrlf).characterformat.font = mycnbold12font prodpara.appendtext(space(31) & "* please prioritize picking & packing *" & vbcrlf).characterformat.font = mycnbold12font prodpara.appendtext(space(31) & "* ship ups second day air *" & vbcrlf).characterformat.font = mycnbold12font prodpara.appendtext(space(31) & "***************************************************" & vbcrlf).characterformat.font = mycnbold12font end if if argworkobject.comments.commentsexist = true call sprirecomments(orderdetailsdoc, argworkobject, intpagenum, ipagelinecounter, argblnprintmultiple, g, lngcountofdepts, strprintdate) end if next next end sub
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