iphone - Multiple images not showing from database -

i stored images in sqlitemanager local database. need show images in viewcontroller. when fetching images database showing 1 images. don't use webservice.



table name: simpletbl         id    sm     descrip        photo         1      sm1    ok            blob(size:2345)          2      sm2    ok1            blob(size:3245)          3      sm3    ok2            blob(size:4535)   .h file:   @interface mysof : nsobject{     nsinteger sofid;     nsstring *sof;     nsstring *rating;     uiimage *photo; }  @property (nonatomic,retain)nsstring *sofa; @property (nonatomic, assign) nsinteger sofaid; @property (nonatomic, retain)nsstring *rating; @property (nonatomic, retain) uiimage *photo; 

.m file:

- (nsmutablearray *) getmylists{     nsmutablearray *sarray = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init];     @try {         nsfilemanager *filemgr = [nsfilemanager defaultmanager];         nsstring *dbpath = [[[nsbundle mainbundle] resourcepath ]stringbyappendingpathcomponent:@"sample.sqlite"];         bool success = [filemgr fileexistsatpath:dbpath];         if(!success)         {             nslog(@"cannot locate database file '%@'.", dbpath);         }         if(!(sqlite3_open([dbpath utf8string], &db) == sqlite_ok))         {             nslog(@"an error has occured.");         }        ;           const char *sql = "select * simpletbl";                  nslog(@"sql %s", sql);          sqlite3_stmt *sqlstatement;         if(sqlite3_prepare(db, sql, -1, &sqlstatement, null) != sqlite_ok)         {             nslog(@"problem prepare statement");         }          //         while (sqlite3_step(sqlstatement)==sqlite_row) {             mysof *mylist = [[mysof alloc]init];             mylist.sofid = sqlite3_column_int(sqlstatement, 0);             mylist.sof = [nsstring stringwithutf8string:(char *) sqlite3_column_text(sqlstatement,1)];             mylist.rating = [nsstring stringwithutf8string:(char *) sqlite3_column_text(sqlstatement, 2)];             const char *raw = sqlite3_column_blob(sqlstatement, 3);             int rawlen = sqlite3_column_bytes(sqlstatement, 3);             nsdata *data = [nsdata datawithbytes:raw length:rawlen];             mylist.photo = [[uiimage alloc] initwithdata:data];             [sarray addobject:mylist];         }     }     @catch (nsexception *exception) {         nslog(@"an exception occured: %@", [exception reason]);     }     @finally {         return sarray;     }  } 

then viewcontroller display fetching image imageview via button click:

-(void)click:(id)sender{   mmageview=[[uiimageview alloc]initwithframe:cgrectmake(20, 52, 72, 72)];          // uiimageview *mmageview=[uiimageview alloc];          // [mmageview setframe:cgrectmake(20, 52, 75, 75)];         [self.view addsubview:mmageview];          soflistsql * mysofs =[[soflistsql alloc] init];         self.arraysofs = [mysofs getmylists];         [mmageview setimage:((mysof *) [self.arraysofs objectatindex:0]).photo];  } 


- (void)scrollviewdidscroll:(uiscrollview *)scrollview {     cgpoint scrolloffset=scrollview.contentoffset;       ///at time, have 3 pages loaded- previous, current , next     if(pageonscrollview < ((int)scrolloffset.x/320))     {         //unload         if(pageonscrollview>1)[self unloadpreviouspage:pageonscrollview-2]; [self loadnextpage:((int)scrolloffset.x/320)+1]; else if(pageonscrollview > ((int)scrolloffset.x/320))     {         //unload         if(pageonscrollview<(num_pages-2))[self unloadpreviouspage:pageonscrollview+2];  [self loadnextpage:((int)scrolloffset.x/320)-1];  }      pageonscrollview=scrolloffset.x/320; }  -(void)unloadpreviouspage:(int)index {    (int index = 0; index<[self.arraysofs count]; index++ ) {          [[myscrollview viewwithtag:index+1] removefromsuperview];            }  }  -(void)loadnextpage:(int)index {    int countflag=0;      (int index = 0; index<[self.arraysofs count]; index++ ) {         nslog(@"index %d",index);             mmageview=[[uiimageview alloc]initwithframe:cgrectmake((320*index)+countflag*80+ 2, 5, 75, 75)];          [self.view addsubview:mmageview];          mmageview.tag=index+1;           [mmageview setimage:((mysof *) [self.arraysofs objectatindex:index]).photo];        }      [myscrollview addsubview:mmageview];       countflag++;  } 

1) log array count , check items count.

2) make loop this

for (int index = 0; index < [self.arraysofs count]; index ++ ) {          nslog(@"index %d",index);          mmageview=[[uiimageview alloc]initwithframe:cgrectmake(20+(index*74), 52, 72, 72)];          [self.view addsubview:mmageview];          soflistsql * mysofs =[[soflistsql alloc] init];         self.arraysofs = [mysofs getmylists];         [mmageview setimage:((mysof *) [self.arraysofs objectatindex:index]).photo];     } 

check add images on scroll view adding uiimageviews uiscrollview


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