ios - Add Tableview cell from a xib file in a static tablebview Controller which is being loaded from a storyboard -

i working on tableview controller inside being loaded inside storyboard file.

for purpose of reusability, 1 of cells in storyboard load nib file.

how can that?

my current implementation uses viewdidload , none of other tableview delegate methods

- (void) viewdidload {      [super viewdidload];       self.title = self.requesttypedescription;  self.itemdescriptionlabel.text = self.currentitem.articledescription;     self.modelnumberlabel.text = self.currentitem.partnumber;    noteshistorystring =  @"valerie young woman lives...";     self.partnumbercell.count.text = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@", self.currentitem.sapcount];     self.serialnumberscell.count.text = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%lu", (unsigned long)self.currentitem.serialnumbers.count];    } 

register nib registernib:forcellreuseidentifier: (in viewdidload place), , in cellforrowatindexpath, dequeue cell same identifier passed in method when want cell of type.


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