java - IWAB0014E Unexpected exception occurred when traying create webservice for given WSDL:Proxy Authorization Required -

  1. i created dynamic web project

  2. imported wsdl file webcontent of project

  3. i go file-> new-> webservice-> webservice

  4. i adjusted settings accordingly, after finsihing throwing follwing error;

    java.lang.illegalargumentexception: char '0x0' after 'return code:  407 <head><title>proxy authorization required</title></head> <body bgcolor="white" fgcolor="black"><h1>proxy authorization required</h1><hr> <font face="helvetica,arial"><b> description: authorization required access proxy</b></font> <hr> <!-- default "proxy authorization required" response (407) --> </body> ' not valid xml character. @ org.apache.axis.components.encoding.abstractxmlencode( 

this happening because of improper setup of axis2.


  1. download axis2 : link-->
  2. point axis2 runtime dir in eclipse : menu--> windows--> preference --> web services--> axis2 preferences

follow link more details:


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