iphone - Identifying an UIImageView without tag -

i have generic generated imageviews in scrollview each of these images have 2 gesturerecognizer single/double tapping on imageview. problem how identify whether imageview tapped first or second time. in scenarios it's easy use tag of imageview, have 2 different gesturerecognizer on each imageview , every gesturerecognizer uses different identification method based on tag number, identify image.

here generate imageviews dynamically:

-(void) initlevels{ _level = [level alloc]; _unit = [unit alloc]; self->_units = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init]; _keys = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init] ; int x = 0; int y = 0; int = 0;  (nsobject *object in self->_levels) {     if ([object iskindofclass:_level.class] && != 0) {         x = x + margin_right + object_width;         y = 0;         }     else if ([object iskindofclass:_unit.class]){         _unit = (unit *) object;         [self->_units addobject:_unit.description];         uiimageview *imageview = [[uiimageview alloc] initwithimage:self.box];         [imageview setframe:cgrectmake(x, y, object_width, box_height)];         imageview.highlighted = true;         imageview.tag = i; //when not outlined gesturerecognizer singletapping works on other hand double tap gesturerecognizer works first object, because its' tag set on 0.            uitapgesturerecognizer *doubletapgesture = [[uitapgesturerecognizer alloc] initwithtarget:self action:@selector(unitdoubletapped:)];         doubletapgesture.numberoftapsrequired = 2;         imageview.userinteractionenabled = yes;         [imageview addgesturerecognizer:doubletapgesture];          uitapgesturerecognizer *singletapgesture =     [[uitapgesturerecognizer alloc] initwithtarget:self action:@selector(unitsingletapped:)];         singletapgesture.numberoftapsrequired = 1;      //telling singletapgesture fail doubletapgesture, both doesn't fire @ same time         [singletapgesture requiregesturerecognizertofail:doubletapgesture];         [imageview addgesturerecognizer:singletapgesture];          uilabel *labelheadline = [[uilabel alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(5, 2, 220, 20)];         [labelheadline setfont:[uifont boldsystemfontofsize:12]];         labelheadline.textalignment = nstextalignmentcenter;         [labelheadline setbackgroundcolor:[[uicolor whitecolor] colorwithalphacomponent:0]];          labelheadline.text = _unit.headline;         labelheadline.numberoflines = 0;         [labelheadline sizetofit];          uilabel *labelprice = [labelutils deeplabelcopy:labelheadline withtext:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"price: %@",_unit.price] withframe:no];         [labelprice settextalignment:nstextalignmentleft];         [labelprice setframe:cgrectmake(labelheadline.frame.origin.x, labelheadline.frame.origin.y + labelheadline.frame.size.height + 2, 220, 20)];          uilabel *labelcrm = [labelutils deeplabelcopy:labelheadline withtext:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"crm: %@", _unit.crm] withframe:no];         [labelcrm settextalignment:nstextalignmentleft];          [labelcrm setframe:cgrectmake(labelprice.frame.origin.x, labelprice.frame.origin.y + labelprice.frame.size.height + 2, 220, 20)];            uitextview *textview= [[uitextview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(0,0, object_width, object_height)];         [textview addsubview:labelheadline];         [textview addsubview:labelprice];         [textview addsubview:labelcrm];         [textview setuserinteractionenabled:no];         [textview seteditable:no];         textview.backgroundcolor = [[uicolor whitecolor]colorwithalphacomponent:0];         textview.textalignment = nstextalignmentleft;         [imageview addsubview:textview];         [_scrollview addsubview:imageview];          y = y + margin_bottom + box_height;     }     [self->_keys addobject:[nsnumber numberwithint:i]];     i++; }//remove last keys in _keys array while ([self->_keys count] > ([self->_units count])) {     [_keys removelastobject];     i--; }  self.contents = [nsdictionary dictionarywithobjects:self->_units forkeys:_keys];  } 

here code 2 gesture recognizer

-(void)unitdoubletapped:(uigesturerecognizer *)gesturerecognizer{ self->_unitviewfordoubletapidentification = (uiimageview *)gesturerecognizer.view; switch (self->_unitviewfordoubletapidentification.tag) {     case 0:         [_unitviewfordoubletapidentification sethighlightedimage:self.transparentbox];         self->_unitviewfordoubletapidentification.tag = 1;         break;     case 1:         [_unitviewfordoubletapidentification sethighlightedimage:self.box];        self->_unitviewfordoubletapidentification.tag = 0;         break;     default:         break; }  } 

and here singletap

- (ibaction)unitsingletapped:(id)sender { [self dismissallpoptipviews]; uigesturerecognizer *gesturerecognizer = [uigesturerecognizer alloc]; gesturerecognizer = (uigesturerecognizer *)sender; uiimageview *imageview = [[uiimageview alloc] init]; imageview = (uiimageview *)gesturerecognizer.view;  if (sender == _currentpoptipviewtarget) {     // dismiss poptipview ,     self.currentpoptipviewtarget = nil; }     nsstring *contentmessage = nil;     uiimageview *contentview = nil;     nsnumber *key = [nsnumber numberwithint:imageview.tag];     id content = [self.contents objectforkey:key];      if ([content iskindofclass:[nsstring class]]) {         contentmessage = content;     }     else {         contentmessage = @"a large amount ot text in bubble\najshdjashdkgsadfhadshgfhadsgfkasgfdasfdhasdkfgaodslfgkashjdfg\nsjfkasdfgkahdjsfghajdsfgjakdsfgjjakdsfjgjhaskdfjadsfgjdsfahsdafhjajdskfhadshfadsjfhadsjlfkaldsfhfldsa\ndsfgahdsfgajskdfgkafd";     }     nsarray *colorscheme = [_colorschemes objectatindex:foo4random()*[_colorschemes count]];     uicolor *backgroundcolor = [colorscheme objectatindex:0];     uicolor *textcolor = [colorscheme objectatindex:1];      cmpoptipview *poptipview;     if (contentview) {         poptipview = [[cmpoptipview alloc] initwithcustomview:contentview];     }      else {         poptipview = [[cmpoptipview alloc] initwithmessage:contentmessage];     }     [poptipview presentpointingatview:imageview inview:self.view animated:yes];     poptipview.delegate = self;     poptipview.disabletaptodismiss = yes;     poptipview.preferredpointdirection = pointdirectionup;     if (backgroundcolor && ![backgroundcolor isequal:[nsnull null]]) {         poptipview.backgroundcolor = backgroundcolor;     }     if (textcolor && ![textcolor isequal:[nsnull null]]) {         poptipview.textcolor = textcolor;     }      poptipview.animation = arc4random() % 2;     poptipview.has3dstyle = (bool)(arc4random() % 2);      poptipview.dismisstapanywhere = yes;     [poptipview autodismissanimated:yes attimeinterval:3.0];      [_visiblepoptipviews addobject:poptipview];     self.currentpoptipviewtarget = sender;      }  

hope can me, in advance.

that's lot of code go through.. add more identifiers uiviews (ie other tag identifier) using obj-c runtime associative references..

so category attach uiview:

#import "uiview+addons.h" #import <objc/runtime.h>  #define kanimationduration 0.25f  @implementation uiview (addons)  static char infokey; static char secondaryinfokey;  -(id)info {     return objc_getassociatedobject(self, &infokey); }  -(void)setinfo:(id)info {     objc_setassociatedobject(self, &infokey, info, objc_association_retain_nonatomic); }  -(id)secondaryinfo {     return objc_getassociatedobject(self, &secondaryinfokey); }  -(void)setsecondaryinfo:(id)info {     objc_setassociatedobject(self, &secondaryinfokey, info, objc_association_retain_nonatomic); }  @end 

here example of own code use above address problem similar 1 you're facing:

    if (![[view info] boolvalue]) {  // not selected?         self.movetofoldernumber = [view secondaryinfo];         [view setinfo:@yes];     } 


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