java - Using Ant condition tag -

i want this

<target name="init" description="create build directories.     >     <mkdir dir="bin" />     <mkdir dir="dist" />             <!-- check presence of dependent jars -->             <condition property="dependent.files.available">                <and>                  <available file="../../xx.jar" />                  <available file="../../yy.jar" />                </and>             </condition> </target>  <!--- compile --> <target name="compile" depends="init" description="compile java sources      , create classes">          <if>            <isset property="dependent.files.available"/>              <then>        <javac srcdir="src" destdir="bin" classpathref="ext_jar_classpath"/>              </then>              <else>                 <echo message="either xx.jar or yy.jar not found"/>              </else>          </if>   </target> 

when tried compile code gave me following error

problem: failed create task or type if cause: name undefined. action: check spelling. action: check custom tasks/types have been declared. action: check <presetdef>/<macrodef> declarations have taken place 

it correct way of doing it?

you need have ant-contrib jar visible @ runtime, or configure correctly described in link.

the thing boils down have ant load task definition, if put ant-contrib in ant/lib, need

<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/"/> 


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