jquery - RaphaelJS remove element on click -

i'd remove shape when click on , if delete radio button "true". i'm able delete whole raphael paper. can me ? use raphaeljs , jquery.


<html lang="en" style="height: 100%;"> <head>     <script src="raphael-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>     <script src="jquery-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>     <script src="app.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body>     <input type='radio' id='un' name="action" value="un">draw un</button>     <input type='radio' id='deux' name="action" value="deux">draw deux</button>     <input type="radio" id='remove' name="action" value="remove"> remove     <div id="holder">   </div>  </body> </html> 


$(document).ready(function() {       var paper = raphael('holder', '800', '600');       var myset = paper.set();        var tojsonplease =        [             {                 category: 'playground',                 type: "rect",                 x: 10,                 y: 10,                 width: 600,                 height: 300,                 fill: "#eee"             }];         paper.add(tojsonplease);                addme = function(cat, myx, myy) {             switch (cat)              {              case '1' :              specs = {                 category: '1',                 type: 'rect',                 x: myx,                 y: myy,                 width: 20,                 height: 20,                 fill: 'yellow'             };             break;              case '2':              specs = {                 category: '2',                 type: 'rect',                 x: myx,                 y: myy,                 width: 10,                 height: 20,                 fill: 'red'             };               break;             }             var newelement = new array();                 newelement[0] = specs;             tojsonplease.push(specs);             paper.add(newelement);             console.log(tojsonplease);         };          $('#holder').click(function () {               if ($("#remove").is(":checked")) {                 paper.remove();             };             if ($("#deux").is(":checked")) {                 sx = event.pagex - $(document).scrollleft() - $('#holder').offset().left;                 sy = event.pagey - $(document).scrolltop() - $('#holder').offset().top;                 addme('1', sx, sy);             };             if ($("#un").is(":checked")) {                 sx = event.pagex - $(document).scrollleft() - $('#holder').offset().left;                 sy = event.pagey - $(document).scrolltop() - $('#holder').offset().top;                 addme('2', sx, sy);             };               });      });     

usually remove shape using element.remove():

var element = paper.rect(100,100,100,100); element.remove() // removes element 

do not this:

if ($("#remove").is(":checked"))      paper.remove(); 

this remove everything, remove element showed above.

you should assign ids elements, use paper.getbyid(id) function. able exact element need remove.

look @ working demo

var paper = raphael("holder",500,500); var which_one_to_remove = -1;  // use data() assign ids correspond order // in push() elements array object var c1 = paper.circle(100, 100, 80).attr({fill:'red'}).data('id', '0'); var c2 = paper.circle(200, 200, 80).attr({fill:'yellow'}).data('id', '1'); var c3 = paper.circle(300, 300, 80).attr({fill:'blue'}).data('id', '2');  var elements = []; elements.push(c1); elements.push(c2); elements.push(c3);  c1.click(function() {     which_one_to_remove = this.data('id'); }); c2.click(function() {     which_one_to_remove = this.data('id'); }); c3.click(function() {     which_one_to_remove = this.data('id'); });  $('#holder').click(function () {     if ($("#remove").is(":checked"))      {         elements[which_one_to_remove].remove();     }; }); 


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