wordpress - Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in___ -

my site's theme has been working fine few days when suddendly without coding changes getting error:

parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /home/henrysst/public_html/wp-content/themes/bettycommerce/includes/pro_framework/admin.php on line 812 

i have made no changes theme, , working fine before (apart revolution slider not working)

here line pulling error:

}  add_action('upfw_admin_header_links','upfw_default_header_links'); 

here link site, if of help: http://henrysstuff.co.uk/

thank in advance can provide.

full code:

    <?php  /****** ** pro bones framework version *************************************/ define('upthemes_ver', '1.0.0');  /****** ** theme init hook *************************************/ function upfw_theme_init(){     do_action('upfw_theme_init'); }  /****** ** admin init hook *************************************/ function upfw_admin_init(){     do_action('upfw_admin_init'); }  /****** ** initialization adds hooks ** 2 places: theme , admin *************************************/ function upfw_init(){      if( is_admin() ):         add_action('after_setup_theme','upfw_admin_init');     else:         add_action('after_setup_theme','upfw_theme_init');     endif; }  add_action('after_setup_theme','upfw_init',1);  /****** ** set theme data *************************************/ function upfw_generate_theme_data(){      $get_up_theme = get_theme_data(templatepath .'/style.css');     $theme_title = $get_up_theme['title'];     $theme_shortname = strtolower(preg_replace('/ /', '_', $theme_title));     $theme_version = $get_up_theme['version'];     $theme_template = $get_up_theme['template'];     define('upthemes_name', $theme_title);     define('templatename', $theme_title);     define('upthemes_short_name', $theme_shortname);     define('upthemes_theme_ver', $theme_version);      if( file_exists(templatepath.'/includes/pro_framework/admin.php') ):         define( 'theme_path' , templatepath );         define( 'theme_dir' , get_template_directory_uri() );     elseif( file_exists(stylesheetpath.'/includes/pro_framework/admin.php') ):         define( 'theme_path' , stylesheetpath );         define( 'theme_dir' , get_stylesheet_directory_uri() );     endif;      // detect child theme info     if(stylesheetpath != templatepath):          $get_up_theme = get_theme_data(stylesheetpath .'/style.css');         $theme_title = $get_up_theme['title'];         $theme_shortname = strtolower(preg_replace('/ /', '_', $theme_title));         $theme_version = $get_up_theme['version'];         $theme_template = $get_up_theme['template'];         define('child_name', $theme_title);         define('child_short_name', $theme_shortname);         define('child_theme_ver', $theme_version);         define('child_path', stylesheetpath);     endif;  }  add_action('upfw_admin_init','upfw_generate_theme_data',1); add_action('upfw_theme_init','upfw_generate_theme_data',1);  /****** ** upload error msg *************************************/ function upfw_upload_error(){      $uploads_dir = wp_upload_dir();     $error = $uploads_dir['error'];     echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>' . $error . '</p></div>';     return false;  }  /****** ** upload folder permissions  ** error msg *************************************/ function upfw_permissions_error(){      echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>' . __('it looks uploads folder not have proper permissions. please set uploads folder, typically located @ [wp-install]/wp-content/uploads/, 775 or greater.', mojo_textdomain) . '</p></div>';     return false;  }  /****** ** upload folder created  ** success msg *************************************/ function upfw_uploads_folder_created(){      $uploads_dir = wp_upload_dir();     $base_upload_dir = $uploads_dir['basedir']."/upfw";      echo '<div id="message" class="update-nag">' . __('pro affiliate framework uploads folder created successfully! new folder located @ '.$base_upload_dir.'.', mojo_textdomain) . '</div>';     return false;  }  /****** ** set uploads directory  ** media themes *************************************/ function upfw_set_uploads_dir(){      $uploads_dir = wp_upload_dir();      if( $uploads_dir['error'] )         add_action( 'admin_notices', 'upfw_upload_error', 1, 1 );     else{          $base_upload_dir = $uploads_dir['basedir']."/upfw";         $base_upload_url = $uploads_dir['baseurl']."/upfw";          if(!is_dir($base_upload_dir) ){              if( !is_writeable( $uploads_dir['basedir'] ) )                  add_action( 'admin_notices', 'upfw_permissions_error', 1, 1 );             else{                 $oldumask = umask(0);                 @mkdir($base_upload_dir, 0775);                 umask($oldumask);                  if( is_writeable( $base_upload_dir ) )                     add_action( 'admin_notices', 'upfw_uploads_folder_created',1 , 1 );              }         }     }      if($base_upload_dir)         define('upfw_uploads_dir',$base_upload_dir, true);      if($base_upload_url)         define('upfw_uploads_url',$base_upload_url, true);  }  add_action('upfw_theme_init','upfw_set_uploads_dir',2); add_action('upfw_admin_init','upfw_set_uploads_dir',2);  /****** ** gentlemen, start engines *************************************/ function upfw_engines_init(){      require_once('library/options/options.php');     require_once('library/widgets/dashboard.php');      if( !defined('disable_layout_engine') )         require_once('library/engines/layout-engine.php');      if( !defined('disable_style_engine') )         require_once('library/engines/style-engine.php');      if(function_exists('upfw_dbwidget_setup'))             add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'upfw_dbwidget_setup' );          if(function_exists('default_theme_layouts'))             add_action('init','default_theme_layouts',1);  }  add_action('upfw_theme_init','upfw_engines_init',10); add_action('upfw_admin_init','upfw_engines_init',10);  /****** ** conditional test if we're on ** pro affiliate framework page *************************************/ function is_upthemes_page(){      if(is_admin()):         if(isset($_request['page']))$page = $_request['page'];         if(!empty($page)):             if( $page =='proframework' || $page=='proframework-buy' || $page =='proframework-docs' ):                     return true;             else:                     return false;             endif;         endif;     endif;  }  /****** ** add css , javascript includes *************************************/ function upfw_queue_scripts_styles(){      $upthemes =  theme_dir.'/includes/pro_framework/';      wp_enqueue_style('up_framework',$upthemes."css/pro_framework.css");      //check if theme-options/style.css exists , load     if(file_exists(theme_path ."/theme-options/style.css")):         wp_enqueue_style('theme_options',theme_dir."/theme-options/style.css");     endif;      wp_enqueue_style('farbtastic');      wp_enqueue_script('jquery.history',         $upthemes."js/jquery.history.js",         array('jquery'));      wp_enqueue_script('jquery.color',         $upthemes."js/jquery.color.js",         array('jquery'));      wp_enqueue_script('ajaxupload',         $upthemes."js/ajaxupload.js",         array('jquery'));      wp_enqueue_script('upfw',          $upthemes . "js/pro_framework.js",          array('farbtastic','jquery.history','ajaxupload'));      /* typography engine */     wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-core');     wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-widget');     wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-mouse');     wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-slider', get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/includes/pro_framework/js/jquery.ui.slider.js', array('jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-widget', 'jquery-ui-mouse'));     wp_enqueue_style('up-slider', get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/includes/pro_framework/css/ui-themes/smoothness/style.css');  }  if( is_admin() && is_upthemes_page() ):     add_action('upfw_theme_init','upfw_queue_scripts_styles',40);     add_action('upfw_admin_init','upfw_queue_scripts_styles',40); endif;  /****** ** show gallery images *************************************/ function show_gallery_images(){     global $wpdb;       $theme = theme_dir;      $path = upfw_uploads_dir."/";     $dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("unable open folder. please make sure uploads folder exists , has permissions of 775 or greater.");      while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir_handle))):          if($file == "index.php") continue;         if($file == ".") continue;         if($file == "..") continue;         if($file == "list.php") continue;         if($file == "thumbs.db") continue;         $list .= '<a class="preview" href="'. upfw_uploads_url . "/". $file . '"><img src="' . upfw_uploads_url . "/" . $file . '" /></a>';      endwhile;      $list .= '<div class="clear"></div>';      echo $list;      closedir($dir_handle);     die();  }  /**  * current template context  *   * returns string containing context of  * current page template. string useful several  * purposes, including applying id html  * body tag, , adding contextual $name calls  * get_header(), get_footer(), get_sidebar(),   * , get_template_part_file(), in order   * facilitate child themes overriding default theme  * template part files.  *   * @param   none  * @return  string  current page template context  */ function upfw_get_template_context() {      $context = 'index';      if ( is_front_page() ) {         // front page         $context = 'front-page';     } else if ( is_date() ) {         // date archive index         $context = 'date';     } else if ( is_author() ) {         // author archive index         $context = 'author';     } else if ( is_category() ) {         // category archive index         $context = 'category';     } else if ( is_tag() ) {         // tag archive index         $context = 'tag';     } else if ( is_tax() ) {         // taxonomy archive index         $context = 'taxonomy';     } else if ( is_archive() ) {         // archive index         $context = 'archive';     } else if ( is_search() ) {         // search results page         $context = 'search';     } else if ( is_404() ) {         // error 404 page         $context = '404';     } else if ( is_attachment() ) {         // attachment page         $context = 'attachment';     } else if ( is_single() ) {         // single blog post         $context = 'single';     } else if ( is_page() ) {         // static page         $context = 'page';     } else if ( is_home() ) {         // blog posts index         $context = 'home';     }      return $context; }  add_action('wp_ajax_show_gallery_images','show_gallery_images');  /****** ** create framework options pages *************************************/ function upfw_create_options_tabs(){      // discover options files , create tabs array     if( is_admin() ):         $path = theme_path."/theme-options/";         $directory = @opendir($path) or wp_die("cannot open theme-options folder in ".upthemes_name." folder.");         while (false !== ($file = readdir($directory))) {             if(!preg_match('/_/', $file)) continue;             if(preg_match('/_notes/', $file)) continue;             if(preg_match('/.ds/', $file)) continue;              //take extension off             $file = explode('.php', $file);              //separate ordinal             $file = explode('_', $file[0]);             $order = $file[1];             //define shortname             $shortname = $file[0];              //define title             $file = explode('-', $shortname);             $title = '';             foreach ($file $part):                 $title .= $part." ";             endforeach;             $title = ucwords($title);              //add tab array             global $up_tabs;             $up_tabs[$order] =  array(trim($title) => $shortname);             $title = '';         }         closedir($directory);          //sort tab order         global $up_tabs;         ksort($up_tabs);     endif;  }  add_action('upfw_admin_init','upfw_create_options_tabs',50);  /****** ** install default theme options ** if not set *************************************/ function upfw_set_defaults(){      if( ! get_option( 'up_themes_'.upthemes_short_name) && ( ! isset( $_get['page'] ) || 'proframework' != $_get['page'] ) ) :          //redirect options page defaults automatically set         header('location: '.get_bloginfo('url').'/wp-admin/admin.php?page=proframework');         exit;      endif;  }  add_action('upfw_theme_activation', 'upfw_set_defaults',2);  /****** ** set global theme options *************************************/ function upfw_setup_theme_options(){      $up_options_db = get_option('up_themes_'.upthemes_short_name);      global $up_options;      //check if options stored     if( isset($up_options_db) && is_array($up_options_db) ):   add_action('upfw_theme_init','upfw_setup_theme_options',100); add_action('upfw_admin_init','upfw_setup_theme_options',100);  /****** ** bootstrap static framework pages *************************************/ function upthemes_admin_home() {require_once('home.php');} function upthemes_admin_docs(){require_once('docs.php');}  /****** ** activate pro affiliate framework admin *************************************/ function upfw_upthemes_admin() {      $name = __('my options', mojo_textdomain);      $theme_options_icon = apply_filters('theme_options_icon',theme_dir.'/includes/pro_framework/images/upfw_ico_up_16x16.png');      add_menu_page($name, $name, 'edit_theme_options', 'proframework', 'upthemes_admin_home', $theme_options_icon, 59);      //create tabbed pages array     global $up_tabs;     if( is_array( $up_tabs ) ):         foreach ($up_tabs $tab):             foreach($tab $title => $shortname):                 add_submenu_page('proframework', $title, $title, 'edit_theme_options', 'proframework#/'.$shortname, 'upthemes_admin_'.$shortname);             endforeach;         endforeach;     endif;      //static subpages     // add_submenu_page('proframework', __('documentation', mojo_textdomain), __('documentation', mojo_textdomain), 'edit_theme_options', 'proframework-docs', 'upthemes_admin_docs');  }  add_action('admin_menu', 'upfw_upthemes_admin',2);  /****** ** find default options *************************************/ function find_defaults($options){     global $up_defaults;     print_r($options); }  /****** ** render theme options *************************************/ function render_options($options){      //check if theme options set     global $default_check;     global $default_options;     global $attr;     $attr = '';      if(!$default_check):         foreach($options $option):             if($option['type'] != 'image'):                 $default_options[$option['id']] = $option['value'];             else:                 $default_options[$option['id']] = $option['url'];             endif;         endforeach;         $update_option = get_option('up_themes_'.upthemes_short_name);         if(is_array($update_option)):             $update_option = array_merge($update_option, $default_options);             update_option('up_themes_'.upthemes_short_name, $update_option);         else:             update_option('up_themes_'.upthemes_short_name, $default_options);         endif;     endif;      foreach ($options $value) {         //check if there additional attributes         if ( isset( $value['attr'] ) && is_array( $value['attr'] ) ):             $i = $value['attr'];             //convert array string             foreach($i $k => $v):                 $attr .= $k.'="'.$v.'" ';             endforeach;         endif;          //determine type of input field         switch ( $value['type'] ) {              //render text input             case 'text': upfw_text_field($value,$attr);             break;              //render custom user text inputs             case 'text_list': upfw_text_list($value,$attr);             break;              //render textarea options             case 'textarea': upfw_textarea($value,$attr);             break;              //render select dropdowns             case 'select': upfw_select($value,$attr);             break;              //render multple selects             case 'multiple': upfw_multiple($value,$attr);             break;              //render checkboxes             case 'checkbox': upfw_checkbox($value,$attr);             break;              //render color picker             case 'color': upfw_color($value,$attr);             break;              //render upload image             case 'image': upfw_image($value,$attr);             break;              //render upload image             case 'logo': upfw_logo($value,$attr);             break;              //render category dropdown             case 'category': upfw_category($value,$attr);             break;              //render categories multiple select             case 'categories': upfw_categories($value,$attr);             break;              //render offer dropdown             case 'offer': upfw_offer($value,$attr);             break;              //render sales letter dropdown             case 'sales_letter': upfw_sales_letter($value,$attr);             break;              //render squeeze page dropdown             case 'squeeze': upfw_squeeze($value,$attr);             break;              //render page dropdown             case 'page': upfw_page($value,$attr);             break;              //render pages muliple select             case 'pages': upfw_pages($value,$attr);             break;              //render form button             case 'submit': upfw_submit($value,$attr);             break;              //render taxonomy multiple select             case 'taxonomy': upfw_taxonomy($value,$attr);             break;              //render style selector             case 'styles': upfw_style($value,$attr);             break;              //render form button             case 'button': upfw_button($value,$attr);             break;              //render text input             case 'divider': upfw_divider($value,$attr);             break;              //render layouts             case 'layouts': upfw_layouts($value,$attr);             break;              default:             break;         }         $attr = '';     } }  if(is_admin() && is_upthemes_page()) add_action( 'upfw_admin_init','upfw_save_options', 3 );  function upfw_save_options(){      /* ----------------------- form security check -------------------------- */     if(isset($_post['_wpnonce'])):         //check if submitted domain         check_admin_referer();          //verify form nonce         if (!wp_verify_nonce($_post['_wpnonce'], 'save_upthemes') )              wp_die('security exception detected, please try again.');             exit;     endif;      /* ------------------import/export functions ----------------------- */     //restore previous options     global $export_message;     if(isset($_post['up_restore'])):         $current = get_option('up_themes_'.upthemes_short_name);         $backup = get_option('up_themes_'.upthemes_short_name.'_backup');         update_option('up_themes_'.upthemes_short_name.'_backup', $current);         update_option('up_themes_'.upthemes_short_name, $backup);         $export_message = "<p class='import'>" . __("everything's normal now!", mojo_textdomain) . "</p>";     endif;      //restore defaults      if(isset($_post['up_defaults'])):         $current = get_option('up_themes_'.upthemes_short_name);         update_option('up_themes_'.upthemes_short_name.'_backup', $current);         delete_option('up_themes_'.upthemes_short_name);         $export_message = "<p class='import'>" . __("default options restored!", mojo_textdomain) . "<span><form method='post' action=''><input class='up_restore' type='submit' name='up_restore' value='" . __("click here undo", mojo_textdomain) . "'></form></span></p>";     endif;      /* ------------------------- import options code ------------------------------- */     if(isset($_post['up_import']) && isset($_post['up_import_code'])):         $import = $_post['up_import_code'];         $import = base64_decode($import);         $import = explode('~~', $import);          //check if code legitimate         if(count($import) == 2):             $option_name = $import[0];             $options = explode('||', $import[1]);              foreach ($options $option):                 $option = explode('|', $option);                 global $new_options;                 $new_options[$option[0]] = preg_replace('/"/', '\'', stripslashes($option[1]));             endforeach;             $current_option = get_option($option_name);             update_option($option_name.'_backup', $current_option);             update_option($option_name, $new_options);             $export_message = "<p class='import'>" . __("options code import successful!", mojo_textdomain) . "<span><form method='post' action=''><input class='up_restore' type='submit' name='up_restore' value='" . __("click here undo", mojo_textdomain) . "'></form></span></p>";         else:             $export_message = "<p class='import'>" . __("oops! went wrong. <span>try pasting import code again.</span>", mojo_textdomain) . "</p>";         endif;      endif;      /* ------------------------- save theme options ------------------------------- */     if(isset($_post['up_save'])):              $posts = $_post;             foreach($posts $k => $v):                 //check if option array (mulitple selects)                 if(is_array($v)):                     //check if array empty                     $check = 0;                     foreach($v $key => $value):                             if($value != ''):                             $check++;                         endif;                     endforeach;                     //if array not empty                     if($check > 0  ):                         //remove empty array elements                         $post[$k] = array_filter($v);                     else:                         $post[$k] = '';                     endif;                     $check = 0;                 else:                     //remove slashes                     $post[$k] = preg_replace('/"/', '\'', stripslashes($v));                 endif;             endforeach;             //add options array wp_options table             update_option('up_themes_'.upthemes_short_name, $post);         endif;      /* ---------------------- default options functions  ----------------- */     global $default_check;     global $default_options;      $option_check = get_option('up_themes_'.upthemes_short_name);        if($option_check):         $default_check = true;     else:         $default_check = false;     endif;  }  /****** ** remove ugly first link in  ** wp sidebar menu *************************************/  function remove_ugly_first_link(){ ?>     <script type="text/javascript">     jquery(document).ready(function(){         jquery('li#toplevel_page_upthemes li.wp-first-item').remove();     });     </script> <?php }  if( is_admin() )     add_action("admin_head","remove_ugly_first_link");   /****** ** rss url: rss('return') return  ** value , not echo it. *************************************/ function upfw_rss($i = ''){     global $up_options;     if($up_options->feedburner):         $rss = "http://feeds.feedburner.com/".$up_options->feedburner;     else:         $rss = get_bloginfo_rss('rss2_url');     endif;     if($i == 'return'): return $rss; else: echo $rss; endif; }  /****** ** rss subscribe url: rss_email('return')  ** return value , not echo it. *************************************/ function upfw_rss_email($i = ''){     global $up_options;     if($up_options->feedburner):         $rssemail = "http://www.feedburner.com/fb/a/emailverifysubmit?feedid=" . $up_options->feedburner;     else:         $rssemail = "#";     endif;     if($i == 'return'): return $rssemail; else: echo $rssemail; endif; }  /****** ** admin header hook *************************************/ function upfw_admin_header(){     do_action('upfw_admin_header'); }  /****** ** open admin header *************************************/ function upfw_admin_header_open(){ ?>     <div id="up_header" class="polish"><?php }  add_action('upfw_admin_header','upfw_admin_header_open',1);  /****** ** set admin header title *************************************/ function upfw_admin_header_title(){ ?>     <div id="icon-upfw" class="icon32 icon32-upfw"></div>     <h2><?php _e("", mojo_textdomain); ?></h2> <?php }  add_action('upfw_admin_header','upfw_admin_header_title',100);  /****** ** create admin header links *************************************/ function upfw_admin_header_links(){ ?>     <ul id="up_topnav">         <?php do_action('upfw_admin_header_links'); ?>     </ul><!-- /#up_topnav --><?php }  add_action('upfw_admin_header','upfw_admin_header_links',50);  /****** ** close admin header *************************************/ function upfw_admin_header_close(){ ?>              <div class="clear"></div>          </div><!-- /#up_header --><?php  }  add_action('upfw_admin_header','upfw_admin_header_close',500);  /****** ** add default header links *************************************/ function upfw_default_header_links(){ ?>      <li class="documentation"><a href="http://www.mojo-themes.com/item/betty-woocommerce-wordpress-theme/" target="_blank"><?php _e("mojo-themes item page", mojo_textdomain); ?></a></li>     <li class="support"><a target="_blank" href="http://docs.mojoness.com/"><?php _e("support", mojo_textdomain); ?></a></li>     <?php     }  add_action('upfw_admin_header_links','upfw_default_header_links'); 

sorry , add ?> @ last.

try change




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